Kudos for her. I would just like to point out that from what is reported there she did this via hard work and dedication, not via gov't programs. Maybe there is something to be said for encouraging personal responsibility.
Kudos for her. I would just like to point out that from what is reported there she did this via hard work and dedication, not via gov't programs. Maybe there is something to be said for encouraging personal responsibility.
Is your company denying you food coverage? Sneaker coverage? Car coverage? You will be able to get all the birth control your heart desires no matter where you work. You just will have to, *gasp*, pay for it yourself (like you buy food, sneakers, and cars). Which is exactly like it was back in the terrible…
Oy vey. First, your "war on women" meme is sullied by the fact that even the female justices ruled against the abortion clinic buffer zones, so your notion that this is some kind of ruling of the "patriarchy" (cue Jaws theme), doesn't make a lot of sense.
Two, a corporation not paying for something is NOT the same as…
I love that liberals insist other people pay for their stuff and simultaneously insist those same people stay out of their business. That's a cute bit of doublethink right there.
I'm sorry, but does a corporation in any way restrict your access to food since they don't include it as part of their benefits?
In the same way, a corporation not paying for contraceptives (a purely elective medical option) is hardly affecting anyone's access.
That completely ignores the fact that we have freedom…
I liked the Bureau and Alpha Protocol, who decided they were persona non grata? Neither of them were perfect, especially Alpha Protocol. They were both enjoyable though and far, IMO from bad games. Just not as great as they could have been.
To my own list I would add Binary Domain. I don't think it is a reviled…
Ever feel we're becoming old men? "You kids and your fancy-schmancy Transformers get off my lawn! Why, in my day, we had REAL Transformers, none of this namby-pamby schlock you have now!"
Don't apologize, I'm there with you. I'm not as much of a Transformers junkie as some but I have fond memories of the old 80s Transformers movie, Rodimus Prime and all :-)
I still like the new Transformers movies. The Transformers themselves look amazing and the movies are entertaining. Sorry, but the old 80s…
It's good to see a little common sense out of SCOTUS. The fact that it was a unanimous decision just shows how out of step hardcore liberals are with the general public. Sadly, SCOTUS cannot always be so sensible, but I'm glad they were in this instance.
Call me old-fashioned, but if the gf knows the guy is trying to get into her pants, it seems she should stop hanging out with him. Granted, the bf can't and/or shouldn't force the issue. Either he trusts her or doesn't. It just seems like a measure of respect for the other's feelings.
I'm married, and if a woman I…
That would be all well and good if LGBT activists actually went to the people instead of running to the courts. If public opinion is so on their side, pass a constitutional amendment. I'll disagree but at least it will have been handled in the proper and democratic manner. Frankly, the GOP shouldn't abandon their…
Or he could be confused as to why she's being rude given that dealing with the press is kind of an expected part of being a celebrity and most stars do it with far more tact??
I don't know, I'm not a mindreader, simply pointing out an alternative. And uh, if you don't think pregnant women are moody, you haven't been…
Eh, the Saints in Hitman Absolution are portrayed as very formidable and dangerous assassins, clearly better then the majority of the otherwise male enemies.
Granted, the devs most likely put them in fetish wear for shock and sex value, but then isn't that the same reason Kitana, Mileena, and crew are basically…
I'm going to leave this here.
"When a white person comes into class late, tell him "You make me embarrassed to be white."
"I'm not really sure, because it was a *awesome* trailer, fetish nuns aside."
Fixed that for you. Because seriously, despite the ridiculous outfits, that was one super-cool trailer.
They'd probably like to think they are :-)
The women from the trailer are in the game as boss characters of sorts, and they are professional assassins. Actually, quite feared professional assassins. So, does that "empower" them??
Frankly, yes, they were likely given fetish wear as a sexy selling point, but then, isn't that the same reason Kitana, Mileena,…
Eh, theoretically the scantily clad women in MK make no sense as such clothing would make terrible fighting wear. But yeah, your point about Hitman stands.
Anyway, I was just curious about what I see as hypocrisy on the part of the some of the "social justice" crusaders out there. I don't particularly mind MK,…
Eh, personally MK is a bit too much for me. Hitman Absolution was a pretty fun game though, more up my alley and less over-the-top in the violence dept.
Anyway, I don't particularly object to MK, I just choose not to buy it. I just find the targets of the internet's outrage to be odd, haphazard, and somewhat…
On the other hand one can make the claim that in the Hitman trailer one is only seeing the violence while in a game like Mortal Kombat one is actually inflicting the violence. Thus, a man who hates women could pick a male character and (virtually) brutalize women to his heart's content. Wouldn't this make the game…