
Personally, I find it a little odd that the internet blew up about the violence inflicted on scantily clad women in the Hitman Absolution trailer but sees no issues with even greater violence inflicted on scantily clad women in Mortal Kombat. I mean, what happened to #rapeculture?

You'd be surprised at how people will dress for court sometimes. These guidelines exist specifically because people have violated them. And frankly, no, I don't expect to be taken seriously just because I have obtained XYZ degree. If I walk into a courtroom in shorts and flip-flops, it doesn't matter if I have a

I really want to say something snarky but I will resist. Overall, as an attorney, you have to deal with the standards of where you work and judges can be very picky. So yeah, I don't know if I would recommend someone follow every last piece of advice here, but in general, it is solid.

Overall, no matter who you

Sounds like you're growing up. That's part of life. We don't stay the same (thank God). I'v never attended E3 but I would like to someday. I do like hearing all the news, although I could hear that anytime. So, really, it depends on the business side of things. If it's good for the businesses it will keep on

I'm inclined to agree with you. Ubisoft has featured minority characters, it has featured female leads, how many sacrifices must they make on the altars of the Politically Correct overlords before enough is enough?

They probably didn't want to talk about it because they have received enough blowback and really,

I could be wrong. Heck, I hope I am wrong but I don't think VR is going to be "the future". I think it will be very cool, it will sell well, but I don't think it will get the kind of saturation modern consoles do, I don't think it will ever really become a "standard" part of gaming.

Ultimately, if 3D TVs were

See, 00 avoids that trope. One of the other reasons I like 00 so much. :-)

I . . . what? Don't watch Gundam Wing or 00? You crazy! I mean, I can forgive Wing as yes, watching now as an older individual and after more exposure to Gundam, it definitely loses some of its luster. However 00 is simply amazing and the characters are certainly more interesting then some of the other Gundam

Well I think this just horrifically sexist and objectifying to women, just look at all that cleavage. I'm glad Kotaku is pointing out how horrible this real-

Oh, wait, we're celebrating this one? Oops, sorry. I got into "Two Minutes Hate" mode there without permission from the PC overlords. My bad. You all let me

Let's say they're lying, I don't know if they are or aren't. But let's say they are, what reason would you accept? Would you really accept them saying "We chose not to because we didn't feel it would significantly add to the game?" Or anything along those lines? Would there be any reason you would accept?

Do games

Amen brother (or sister, don't want to offend anyone!). Kotaku is getting tiring with this nonsense. The other day they had a story about some rail-thin woman eating tons of food. No worry that it would send a bad message to impressionable young women at all??? Meanwhile the boobs on the Dragon Crown Sorceress are

Honestly, let's say that it wouldn't be that much work to animate a female, I don't know as that's not my field. Let's say it isn't that much work and instead Ubisoft consciously chose not to include a female character, what justification are they supposed to give?

I mean, if they said, "Look, based off the audience

Am I alone in not really liking Banagher? I mean, I get that he's anti-war, but then why drive a giant robot? I'm just a bit tired of all these Gundam shows where the leads are crying about how much they really don't want to shoot people, while driving a giant robot dedicated and built for death and destruction (go

In other breaking news, it turns out video game companies are supposed to focus primarily on making fun (and profitable) video games, not pleasing the PC overlords! Who knew John, who knew?

I said myself that marriage helped "civilize" me and I was a very decent fellow before I got married.

The data, the facts, the science are clear. Women are less likely to be abused by a husband and more likely to be abused by a live-in boyfriend. We can certainly debate why that is, but it is a fact and it seems like

Who said marriage would make an abuser stop abusing? Obviously spousal abuse happens, as the WaPo piece says. The argument, and actually, the facts are clear. A woman is less likely to be abused by her husband and more likely to be abused by a male such as a live-in boyfriend. That's science that says that.

I did read the WaPo piece. I even read the Times piece she linked to. I didn't read the other link because that was a research paper so I lacked the time to read it.

Maybe you should try to actually respond to arguments people post rather then dismiss them out of hand with a term like "mansplain"? Really, that is

When Nintendo tries to do an M-rated game, why is it almost always some over the top nonsense like this? Halo was an M-rated game but it wasn't ridiculously gory or violent. I applaud Nintendo for trying to bring more "adult" content to their console but it doesn't need to all be so . . . overblown. Something that

Ah, nice to see the internet completely missed how open-minded the photographer was being and instead settled on insults and bigotry (all the while insisting they're actually the open-minded ones). Some things don't change :-)

Because some people don't react rationally to things like this. They immediately rage at anything that disagrees with their worldview.