
If Mario Golf recreated Golf Story’s rap battle, it would be the greatest game of all time.

Man, it’d be cool as hell if Kotaku had a YouTube channel that did a weekly showcase of funny and cool video game glitches and stuff. Highlights, if you will.

Maxine’s statement is the perfect rebuttal to the Republican talking point that “some of the Democrats started talking impeachment the day Trump was elected!”
Well, duh. When a habitual grifter and criminal who either personally or his businesses have been found guilty of fraud and other crimes numerous times is

A. The only thing worse than autoplay is autoplay with sound. I know I’m speaking to the choir, but seriously. Fuck autoplay.

Eh, not sure about that. He doesn’t move between identifying as a man and a woman. He’s talking about a man embracing the aspects of his being that would on their own be labeled feminine. No one who rocks a cape as stylishly as Lando ignores his inner female.

Now that this tired joke is out of the way, commentors are welcome to say literally fucking anything else

Like his own words? To a TV crew? The evidence is there. It is a matter of the people in power doing their duty.

I’ve read articles about how “Censure” of the president is a better idea for many reasons (mostly political). The basic idea is that either the house or the Senate can have a vote to say “Dude, seriously, this is messed up, don’t do it again!”

Yeah, the Senate voting 2/3 majority is presented like it’s an option, but they’ve literally stated they won’t be removing him from office already.  It doesn’t matter what he’s done, he’s not going anywhere based off that rule.

I read an article on Politco that floated the idea of the Senate using anonymous ballots for the vote. The Constitution does not specify how votes are taken, it it seems that the Senate could set the rules to allow this to happen. I don’t have any actual hope the Senate would do this, but I think an anonymous vote is

Game State’s Haunted

For sure. Played them both as a kid, SNES wins out in the gameplay department all day.

I was literally going to pull out my Switch and buy this until I read your comment.

Nothing will ever convince me that the SNES version isn’t the better one.  Loved that game.  Even more than the lion king.

Some people say that Jim Spanfeller licks his own butt. He does. But Im saying that he licks his own butt so much that it’s only really remarkable when he isn’t licking his own butt. Which is never. Jim Spanfeller licks butt. Now, then, always.

How great would it be if the other blogs all started covering sports today?

Can you let me know when you will be returning to sports coverage so I can go back to checking in once or twice per day? I have a lot to do today at work and all of these posts about non-sports topics are distracting because I Must Read Every Single One of Them. Whereas with the sports stuff I really only care if its

Absolutely true, and I think most people know that. But I’d rather do a little than shrug and do nothing. So I cancelled my WoW subscription, which was pretty tough since it’s how I spend 90% of my game time since Classic came out.

And in 5-10 years Blizz can be a China-first company, if that’s what they want.  Go for

Legit read the first sentence as ending with your trembling bedpan”...which, coincidentally, is the title of my scary story.

Oh fuck off. I’ve never watched GOT but I’ve seen him in plenty of other roles and he’s a phenomenal actor. I do know that like it or not that show wouldn’t have been NEARLY the success it was during its run without his charming ass in it. So that’s literally the only GOT Emmy I’m OK with.

Look, we get it, he doesn’t