
Yup. The guy at the county courthouse wasn’t even surprised when I gave him the story and he threw out the ticket immediately. I don’t know why the officer that gave me the ticket (I wasn’t pulled over - got the ticket when parked) didn’t check or notice or whatever that my registration was current and it was just my

That may vary depending on your jurisdiction. I had the opposite problem: renewed my tabs, stuck ‘em on, got a ticket a couple weeks later cuz they were no longer there. Apparently after my state (MN) implemented a new requirement for proof of insurance to register/renew, people started ripping off current tabs to put

Looks like it! I’m extremely skeptical of the weight rating there, though. Based on my experience, I wouldn’t recommend it for much more than about 400lbs.

Mine is called a Sailmate - just a generic Sunfish type boat that was made in western NY sometime before I was born. The main thing that differentiates it is that it has a mast/mainsail/boom arrangement rather than the lateen sail. I could probably add a jib to it if I wanted, but that might be overkill for my limited

Not sure about streaming, but the Blu-ray can sometimes be had for around $20 (usually $30) and well worth it, in my opinion. We had an old DVD release that was honestly pretty poor quality. The Blu-ray looks gorgeous with a few exceptions (all of the hand-animated stuff is beautiful, but places where they used 3D

Small sailboats (Sunfish and their ilk) are pretty easy to flip as there’s no keel and ballast. A larger boat with a proper keel and ballast is much harder. My little boat, which is a Sunfish knockoff, was provided with a Styrofoam float at the top of the mast, so if you do tip, it doesn’t turtle and is relatively


What issue is this from? As I have a huge soft spot for the C4, I would not mind adding this to my library of Corvette stuff.

I’m *pretty* sure they just chopped the back off a Taurus/Sable wagon...

I’m seeing more than a little single-headlight C1 in the front end.

Damn you. Take your star and go.

The dude they got to play Han...yeah, I watched the whole trailer and was like, “Wait, which one was Han?”

I have a ‘94 Grand Caravan (I think that’s 2nd gen?). The Haynes manual has some references to AWD and manual trans versions, although I’ve never seen one in the wild to my knowledge.

I’m all for bringing Kraven into the MCU, but only if he drives the Kra-Van:

Okay, I’ll admit it. I am the sort of person who would love to own a Corvettamino.

I’ll take this one please:

My LT1 Roadmaster and I agree with you.

I came pretty close to buying an Alero once. It’s reasonably roomy and the 5-speed was nice (although the “shift now” light was supremely annoying - had I bought it, that would have been the first thing to “fix”). The decider was a seemingly little thing: I’m a tall person and the left side of my head kept brushing

As a the owner of a ‘94 Roadmaster wagon (which basically was my boring dream car), I can tell you that these definitely catch my eye as well. The LT1 has more than enough torque to get the car out of its own way and the auto is well-matched to the engine and driving style that the car encourages. I certainly wouldn’t

My first car was a ‘92 Accord wagon with a 5-speed. Sold it to buy a ‘96 Outback, which turned out to be a mistake. That Accord was such a great car and shockingly roomy for a small wagon.