
He’s in Minnesota now, these things are relative.

How has AVC not snagged an RR with Saul Rubinek yet?  

:: puts on Paul Harvey hat ::

“What are you playing this weekend?”

I’m in.

Finished “Song of Achilles” in a week because I had to return it to the library and was gutted.  Like, actually wiping tears away on the bus, despite being a mythology nerd and knowing exactly how things pan out from the start.  Preferred “Circe” but that’s a purely personal preference.  Now I have to plow through

My brother and I read the first few Dragonlance novels so many times that the bindings started to fall apart and the covers came off.

I read the headline as “John Mulaney and Daniel Craig are coming together...”

It is the responsibility of society to remove all temptation from his sight, much in the same way that it’s a woman’s responsibility to keep completely clothed at all times lest a man catch a glimpse of her bare ankle and be lured into lustful thoughts.


“ people pay to pretend they’re hunting...”

This was a fantastic interview and a really good insight into what production designers are responsible for and what a really great one can do.  Thank you!

Is it the one down the street from the thing with the stuff?  I’ll meet you there!


There were also a number of negative reactions to JLo flying a “Cuban” (no, seriously) flag and the amount of “Mexican” they sang in.  

...or face her Kareem Abdul gom-Jabbar?

I haven’t started it yet - I just got into “Theft by Finding” and that’s a hefty enough tome to lug on my commute - but it’s queued up after.  (Then I have “Agency” and on impulse I bought “Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs?” by occasional AVC contributor and mortician Caitlin Doughty.)  “Circe” scratched this sweet spot

I had no idea Gibson had a new book dropping but it looks like the bookstore two blocks from my office has four copies (there are 27 holds on the one library copy on order already O_o), so that’s moving to the top of my queue right after I finish the two books I have out from the library (David Sedaris’ “Theft by