
I’m still not comfortable pooping in “foreign” places but I can acclimate over time. My friend’s brother DRIVES HOME FROM WORK AT LUNCH TO POOP. He is over 40 and has several offspring.  Also I loved a little more time with a different side of Ms. LaBonz.

I’m still not comfortable pooping in “foreign” places but I can acclimate over time. My friend’s brother DRIVES HOME FROM WORK AT LUNCH TO POOP. He is over 40 and has several offspring.  Also I loved a little more time with a different side of Ms. LaBonz.

Bob’s Burgers reviews are over, but I had to say somewhere how seen I felt as a primarily home pooper and how accurate the show was in portraying home poopers’ resentment of poop-anywheres.  That is all.

It’s been a crapshoot this whole season whether or not the BB review would be on the front page for more than a few hours in the middle of the night so I’m not surprised it’s getting axed, but it still sucks massive donkey dongs.  I’ve been following and commenting since S01E01 and gone back for a rewatch more than a

I reserve judgement until we start getting hurricanes named Scrambles.

That’s one thing I love about how the show treats their oddballs - no one gets a makeover.  Which reminds me that we haven’t seen Marshmallow in a long time...

I’m nowhere near a millennial and I don’t remember the last time I related so hard to a character on TV.  And the show continues to treat all its characters with respect like no other show.

The more they develop Tina, the more amazed I am at how well the writing team gets teenage girlhood (and the parts we carry for the rest of our lives, really).  And sibling rivalry.  And niche interest communities.  A month of new eps is just what i need to get me through quarantine.

Aw man, it really is as good as the reviews say it is.

I can’t believe after ten years they’re still balancing on that knife edge.  Most shows blow it after a single episode or two.

This ep felt like a new favourite blanket - familiar but new enough not to need to go through the laundry.  And one of my favourite things about the show is how everyone just rolls with all of its side characters and is never outright mean to any of them.  Also “Britney Spears, give me strength!” is going into regular

I literally did not pick up on Adam and Steve until reading these comments.

This ep had me at “NO SLOT-SHAMING!”

Another WHIV RR knocked out of the park, and with one of my favourite “hey it’s THAT guy” actors.  Love how he mentioned Louis Del Grande, who with Rubinek was one of the most familiar faces on CBC from my formative years.  This was fantastic to read, thanks so much!

Hi Les, welcome aboard! I’m glad to see AVC had someone ready to go right from the next ep after Alisdair.

Did anyone else play “Aztec” on a Apple II+ with a monochrome monitor?

I owned both a (fake far-from-all-leather) whip and a fedora when I was a teenager because of Raiders, and practiced cracking that whip a *ridiculous* amount. I share an aesthetic appreciation for Harrison Ford in his heyday with my mom to this day. Indiana Jones was one of the first pop culture figures I wanted to

She’s not as young as she used to be and I worry that the ending of Crystal Skull might be too much for her. Like, I’m not sure how well the bones in her hands would stand up to being punched through her TV.

I am so happy to be reminded that this footage of everyone else watching Scott try to play Portal on the tour bus exists because Kevin’s laugh is the best:

My nearly-80-year-old Japanese immigrant ESL mom LOVES the first three movies and watches them any time they pop up on TV, to the point where if I call her and she’s in the middle of watching one she’ll pretty much hang up on me until a commercial break. Then she’ll call me back and we’ll discuss at length how hot