
That's both more PC and funnier, because it sounds like a clever reference instead of a shoe-horned phrase.

That was my first comment when I saw the bracket for the first time. This is a 1 for TWC vs a 1 or 2 for EA.

I archive emails I might need at a later time but have no need for in the immediate future. Useless emails I delete, otherwise I archive instead, just in case.

That was my favorite part about it, he blinks, both eyes close, but one opens more slowly. Very strange.

Yoshi games don't play like Mario games. Playing a Mario Bros. level well might involve fighting the most efficient line along which to run, jump and attack. Playing a Yoshi's Island well has always involved more slowly poking through a level and finding its hidden collectibles. Each Yoshi level, then and now,

The ads supporting the free service you're using? I don't think it's quite fair to use the service and complain about how they pay the bills, when that's the premise of the service in the first place. I can think of exactly 2 solutions...

There is an arrow there, much easier to see in the video compared to the GIF, but I'm sure there's no tips on them.

I bought this game for 3DS when it was on sale on Amazon for about 15 bucks. Straightforward, a little repetitive, but I thought it was fun. Everything I read about it said that it scrapped the "Metroidvania" thread for mostly action-based gameplay, but I thought it provided a good mix. I wouldn't pay full price for

This article is amazing. And the responses made me really happy. Also read his article on hacking Hotmail. Make sure to wrap your IP in a cat5 SATA. Super important.

I know this is an old post, but I just saw it from the repost. This is my favorite part of that: "You have to realise that when playing back a CD, the amplifier is usually set so that the quietest sounds on the CD can just be heard above the noise floor of the listening environment (sitting room or cans). So if the

If only I could pull off that mustache...

Yeah, how dare people like a game! Screw them! Like the games I like!

"Make do" #corrections

It's not completely false. They're not censored by the FCC, they're generally censored by the networks because they won't get sponsored if they're deemed too "offensive". But technically, as far as I know, they could put whatever they wanted on if they'd still get paid for it.

Excellent article, and I noticed and appreciated you not using the gunman's name, because he doesn't need more press. This memorial is about the victims, and that's exactly how it should be.

I don't understand the appeal of these. The first one was vaguely amusing, and in every one I've seen since then, I think they're stretching on a lot of them, and they're not funny enough to merit the stretch.

I understand it's short for "application", but I think before "mobile app", I only really ever heard it as part of "killer app".

Wasn't trying to be a dick, was legitimately trying to respond, but I'm not sure I understand your argument anymore. Why does it being from a word make it use one sound over another just-as-legitimate G sound?

Exactly, I've heard people complaining about this a bunch of times before, and it's absurd. If it really bothers you that much, you're probably a terrible person.

I'd say either are correct, but your point is wrong. I'm assuming your "because of what the word GIF is", you mean that it's "graphics", but I'll direct you to JPEG and declare your point countered.