But yes, you can tell a lot about a person based on their gamertag. Or at least in the extreme cases.
But yes, you can tell a lot about a person based on their gamertag. Or at least in the extreme cases.
Yeah, I'm decent at Halo, but not great, and even I can see that at least 75% of those kills were on people who were either unsuspecting or incompetent.
"You notice the name of the player—tons of X's, maybe a 420 reference, and the rest seems incomprehensible." No, she didn't
"As it turns out, it's possible for three players to team up". Yeah...he's right, people who are saying it's an editing thing.
Use GPS on your phone for more than a few minutes at a time and tell me your battery percentage doesn't take a nosedive.
Use GPS on your phone for more than a few minutes at a time and tell me your battery percentage doesn't take a nosedive.
Hahaha. I thought this was funny, even though I completely disagree. Love Halo 4. I'm still ducking for the potential for fanboy rage though.
I'm not saying he's in the same category as Gruden. He's clearly very smart and knows the game well, I just hate how he gets hung up on certain players, and then uses his ideas of what those players should be to color how he looks at specific plays. I feel like he judges players ahead of time based on previous…
This is a really cool idea, but the execution isn't great. I talk a lot about sports, and hashtags that are explicitly about sports apparently also told them I was interested in sci-fi, business, and politics.
He's actually a smart guy, he just over-embellishes everything for the show. If you ever happen across something he's written that's completely removed from his ridiculous TV show, it's at least fairly reasonable. I was shocked.
I think he's absolutely terrible. I don't understand why everyone loves him so much. At least when Jon Gruden says something stupid, I can laugh at it.
If you're a fan of the show, or especially the comics, I can't recommend it highly enough. Not a point and click fan, but it worked, and the story was phenomenal.
Blowing on them only helped because it made you pull the cartridge out and then replace it. If you had simply pulled it out and put it back, you would have had the same results, or better.
This was exactly my thought. It takes maybe an hour to get enough of the unlock points to buy the few items that actually might give you an advantage (BR/DMR, Plasma grenades). Everything else is preference, and not specifically more powerful than others.
Not sure what you mean by that. It's pretty much the same as it's always been.
No way. I despise most of the songs on there, but I do not believe for a second that anyone who is alive and uses the internet has never heard of any of those songs.
That's only if the perp is sleeping in their own bed, and they are mugging you.
I'm not the one doing the looking. If only it were that easy.