
Yes. This is my biggest problem so far. What happened to all the sad loners that were always around in Reach?

If kids not being allowed to talk to their parents like they're complete idiots is a "problem", all these super young kids acting like complete douchebags makes a ton more sense. Good attitude. Parents expecting respect isn't entitled. Entitled perfectly describes the entire childish attitude of "I'm just as deserving

That was my first thought. This is exactly the same thing.

I agree completely on every point here. Haven't gotten through 4 yet, so I'm holding out on judging that one yet, but the rest are spot on. I can't, for the life of me, understand the hatred for the Reach campaign in the comments. I thought the campaign for Reach was the best, and it's not close. It was complete in

This would be valid if it wasn't something you were going to do anyway. If the only reason you're playing Halo is because they're "paying" you to do so, just stop playing. If you were going to be playing a ton anyway, because you love the game, then anything they give you is a bonus, and people should shut up about

Gamestop is a joke. I had a huge problem with my Borderlands 2 preorder because I moved in the few months between my order and release, and they let me change the delivery address, but my credit card transaction didn't go through because the billing address changed. I found out after the game was released and I didn't

That's not really a "trick". The video isn't supposed to be a random sampling. It's supposed to be funny.

All gone. Unfortunate

Yeah, in the original version, you should always betray. I don't feel like doing calculations with this payout system, because I'm lazy, but it seems that way. Betray and you get 0 or get 3, ally and you get 2 or lose 2. Betray certainly seems like it would end up being beneficial.