I’ll be over here getting pregnant with ice cream if anybody needs me.
I’ll be over here getting pregnant with ice cream if anybody needs me.
We’re all gonna die. *lies down covered in chocolate crumbs*
Oh o am always a pragmatist. I’m just sad that I’m now negotiating for something as simple as “not someone who wants to destroy the planet” for EPA chief.
But this one has a penis, the others were women, BAD women, who had to be made an example of for paying ANOTHER woman to take care of her children.
Do they honestly not even have one candidate who is both a gormless sycophant AND quasi-decent at their job? At least they could try to have a veneer of respectability...
it’s not sad Bo. that is how government is supposed to work...by negotiating.
I just love that they are all the WORST at exactly what they are supposed to be good at. I don’t really love it, actually I’m getting really scared about what the US is going to look like in another month or so :(
What the goddamn fuck is wrong with people.
I’m beginning to think Satan is taking notes on staff selection from this Presidency.
i wish they were simply not good people...at least Cheney resigned from Halliburton and gave the appearance of no conflict. these fools are straight up stealing from everyone they have ever worked with.
She pisses and moans that she’s somehow made to feel lesser than her pro-choice counterparts, but then she turns around and categorically dismisses all of us as being some kind of mindless stooges for a “pro-abortion movement.”
This. If you don’t want women to have abortions, there is feminist work you can do. You can advocate for free or very low cost birth control given out to both women and men. You can advocate for bumping up money to programs that support single mothers. You can advocate for practical sex education starting at an…
Easy. The Supreme Court deemed it a right in 1973.
While I agree on principle, I cannot wrap my head around women who insist on keeping these views. You cannot deny women body autonomy while stating that you’re a feminist.
He supported the Hyde Amendment, so he believes that abortion is acceptable only so long as a woman has the means to pay for it out-of-pocket herself. YMMV, but I would say a feminism that excludes the poorest women isn’t much of a feminism at all.
I have the right of bodily integrity. Something should not be allowed to co-opt my body without my permission.
Thank you for making this distinction. It’s so frustrating when pro-choice is assumed to mean pro-abortion.
“This is what we conservative women live with all the time, this idea that we somehow aren’t really women and we just reflect internalized misogyny [...] I don’t think they represent women. I think they are a wholly owned subsidiary of the abortion movement.”
If you’re anti-abortion but respect that it’s your personal decision and are cool with letting others do whatever they want because they ALSO get to make that personal decision, by all means join us.
I think you can be a feminist and anti-abortion, but you can’t be a feminist and be anti-choice. Feminism isn’t about the right to “live out our womenhood.” It’s about working to liberate women from the oppression of the kyriarchy. Feminists don’t have to see abortion as an option for themselves, but attempting to…