Gidget Castrillon

“What a wonderful way to protest! Yes!”


“Is it just pure narcissism?” It’s that and, I think, untreated depression. But I also think his extreme narcissism wouldn’t allow him to either admit or seek help for depression. He’s a profoundly joyless man, that much is very clear.

My life, my entire existence for the last few years. For the benefit of assholes like this piece of shit. But hey! The elephants are going to be “phased out” soon, just like so many others were phased out last year and the year before that.

“Roughly 35% percent of Polish women went on strike and stormed the streets in October last year. In 1975, 90% of Icelandic women refused to go to work, care for children or do household chores for one day. Poland listened. Iceland listened. We need to make the United States listen.” I’ll say it again: I’m down for

“I mean, feel free to wear baby clothes if you like, but don’t be surprised when people don’t take your message seriously.” Do you take the message of the GOP, in their sharp suits, power ties and expensive shoes, seriously?

“If we became a relgion, wouldn’t we finally get some protections? I’m serious....” I’m serious, too. I’m completely down for this.

Me, almost every day. I hate it. But based on how I laughed watching that gif, I can now see how spending your days ranting might be entertaining to sadistic people.

“I’m sure he’ll get right on that.” Exactly. That photo couldn’t be more spot on. When I tried to let everyone know how dangerous this was, what a dangerous precedent, it’s because it was nothing less than a fact. Power is on the side of power, and it has always closed ranks when threatened. But the two pieces of shit

“I sometimes wish I was never born at all.” Same. Because then my family would never have had to be exploited and traumatized for years. For them, for their sake, I wish I hadn’t been born. Before the last few years, I always believed we were lucky to have each other, but now I feel what a terrible misfortune it’s

“What’s terrifying to me is that I don’t know what the end game and result is going to be here.” Indentured servitude to the ruling class. If you resist, there will be hell to pay. Your home and money will be taken by them, for them. Your rights - Constitutional, civil and human - will be violated, with impunity and

If my application is accepted, I’d like to vouch for jinni.

“I am a 17 foot tall Tyrannosaurs Rex and will protect anyone who gives me belly rubs.” I’ll draw you like one of my french girls! *pukes*

“Men will kill us before they give us power.” Men *had been* killing us before they gave us any rights at all. We fought. Men *are* killing us, even with our rights. We kept fighting. Men are now, figuratively, killing themselves to find ways to drag us back to a time when they could beat, rape and kill us with

Or are enduring all of the other forms of abuse, so are afraid to seek help lest they get physically abused, too.

“Putting this out as a reminder, abuse doesn’t always involve physical harm.” Exactly, and everything you listed, more often than not, is what precedes physical abuse, which acts like the last nail in the coffin of the person’s spirit that’s being abused.

Marital rape is a form of domestic violence, so they already tried, but failed. All they’re doing now is trying to win this time, across the board: no crime to rape your wife (like Trump’s lawyer believes) and no crime to beat her to a bloody pulp! And when women try to divorce them, they’ll get to working on

“My husband was called a “brave, brave man” for walking into Target and showing an associate a pic of my preferred brand of tampons and asking where to find them.” And this is an example of why I’ve come to believe - and have for very long - that men are far more susceptible of being dick-whipped than they are of

I starred your comment the first time I read it, but it didn’t stick. For whatever reason. So I’m starring it again. Yours isn’t the first comment where this has happened today.

“There are very few more useless words than “unmasculine.”” I cannot thank you enough for this. Because it’s a fact. Few words more useless and more harmful.