Gidget Castrillon

I don’t mean happiness, I meant identity. Particularly identity as an adult man. That one is incomplete unless he has successfully conquered.

See now that’s something I’d actually read in the form of am article, unlike this dude’s self-indulgent drivel.

It’s such an ugly way of looking at the world.

Absurdist Words made a great point on Twitter a while back that the coupling of sexual conquest to masculine identity is toxic because it renders a man’s identity as an adult to factors outside himself.

One does not become a man through responsibility or diligence in his professional or personal life, nor his

He’d probably struggle less if he came (winking face emoji) to the realization that he’s not owed sex for all that he’s single and male and wants sex!


The American people deserve a free scrip to get through the next four.

Oh was even worse than I thought.

“I said that to the President of the United States,” Robert replied

Ruth Bader Ginsburg is 83. And we desperately need her.

Already have my xanax refill for the next 4 years.

I have 2 thoughts:

Is it bad that I always read his name as “Greedy Fuckface McFuckerson?”

Dear Senator Roberts,

One valium per person is the new ACA replacement plan, that and one vile of cyanide.

Caitlyn Jenner is greedy as fuck. She’ll sell out every trans person in the country if it saves her a small amount in taxes. A lot of the self-proclaimed “socially liberal, fiscally conservative” Republicans are like this.

Sounds just like my family. I have pretty much cut ties with all of them, but *I’M* the horrible person because they are Christian and you’re supposed to love your family no matter what, even if they shit on you/abused you/are the sole reason you have low self-esteem. I will live the rest of my life with that

These confirmation hearings are such a joke. By which I mean that Republicans already know they don’t need ethics reviews to be complete because aside from the fact that they are actively working to gut ethics rules, they already know they are going to rubber stamp every single nominee, in exchange for Trump signing

This should be automatically disqualifying for him. In fact, he should disqualify himself. He should be ashamed to attempt to ascend to a position for which he has no conception of the basic duties thereof.

In seventh grade, I had a metal shop teacher who liked to tell us that the downfall of the human race would be that whenever we don’t know something, we tend to seek out someone stupider than ourselves to ask for help, because it’s less humiliating than asking someone wiser. Also, when they shrug and say, “I dunno,”