Gidget Castrillon

Just as long as he’s against abortion. That’s what really matters.

Not really. You may only think that because he’s a man. He’s just as incoherent as her, if not moreso. Palin, at least, had some relevant job experience and passing knowledge of some of the things she sought to do. Trump, not so much.

But this is exactly my point! We have different ways.

“I don’t necessarily wish for a partner who mirrors me completely. I’d like to learn from his strengths.”

That’s a good examination of power dynamics. White men, in particular, but yes, white people in general, expect their opinion to count. They expect to be heard. They expect their opinion to count even when they are talking about something they have no real opinion on, or factual knowledge of, when they’re “just

I am in the midst of moving 3 giant boxes of books to a new place. They are terrible to move. I have already read (almost) all of them. It would be more practical by far to give them to Goodwill.

I love reading. It’s always been one of my major hobbies, but I’m cool with people not necessarily having the attention span or interest in picking up a book. There are other ways to be intellectually curious. I do mind, however, when someone tries to bullshit their way through claiming to be a reader, as is the case

Considering that he was asked to name his favorite Bible passage and couldn’t yet Evangelicals still loved him... (seriously, the “Christians are the real persecution victims” complex is a helluva drug)

This has always bothered me, particularly with the third thing on your list (intellectual curiosity). I can somewhat understand the argument that it’s classist to expect a high level of knowledge and education from everyone you let into your life. I don’t necessarily agree, but I understand it. Some of the most

I take longer to finish no doubt because I’m always juggling books for work, books for life (I have 6 weeks left to read baby books!!), and books for pleasure to put my brain to sleep at night. It can vary by nightly mood too, sometimes I need fiction in a foreign language to lull me to sleep, or nonfiction that has

I recently, because of a planned international move (that didn’t happen, ugh) culled my books from about 1500 to 400. So I’m down to 3-4 bookcases, from 9. I love books, I love having them around, I get anxious without them, and I read at least one a week. Yes, my apartment screams ‘I read a lot’ because I read a

And just to add to my point. Of course, no one likes being talked down to or made to feel small. But being the president or a person of power, sometimes you do have to take a stern tone. To many white people hearing that from a white man is authoritative and a sign of a strength. When it comes from a black man or a

I see what you are saying, and yet I would also posit that there are many people for whom reading is far more difficult than for others: and they are not devoid of empathy. Reading is my jam. I don’t necessarily wish for a partner who mirrors me completely. I’d like to learn from his strengths.

Yeah, many of them are aware he is a huge sinner but they take the view that he’s a tool for God to work through. Which is of course, really stupid.

It’s considered classist and/or elitist to value education, knowledge, intellectual curiosity and to expect those things from the people you let in your life.

There’s an important difference, Trump can read but chooses not to, and sings the praises of having uneducated supporters. He wants to keep people illiterate. All while appointing folks like Betsy DeVos who will insure that illiteracy rates skyrocket. Education is under attack in this country, we should all be

Don’t forget two of his wives have been immigrants, yet by all accounts he has made no effort to learn any Czech or Slovene (or any other language) and has never really seemed interested in their native cultures. I know he doesn’t like paying for things but DUOLINGO IS FREE, GUY.

....which just goes to show what a profound failure our public education system has been to these types of people. Good thing we have someone in power who can fix it! Oh wait.....

The good old days when she appeared to be the worst of it.

This fucker is the least intellectually curious person I’ve ever seen.