Gidget Castrillon

Betsy Devos and her family are hilariously evil

Voucher-loving piece of shit.

Oh, when it comes to destroying the lives of innocent children and grinding their hopes and dreams into the dust, she’s willing to put in the work. She’s just never had a job that was also her passion before, that’s why she always seemed so apathetic.

This monster also owes the State of Ohio $5.3MM in fines stemming from election law violations.

So she’s taking the Supreme Court nominee approach of saying nothing... which is entirely inappropriate for a cabinet position.

Fuck her. The lack of decency in so many people appointed to high power positions is mind boggling, disgusting, and plain unfair. DeVos is the unhinged, morally bankrupt, evil villain in a teenage dystopian horror novel. How do such depraved people get this far in life? The fact that she hasn’t suffered for her public

My mother taught for a charter school for years. She saw all manner of incompetence, apathy, and greed that shortchanged her students and denied them the education they deserved. She quit to become a tutor, and she now believes that charter schools don’t work unless they’re more tightly regulated.

I wouldn’t bet on that. She eviscerated Michigan’s educational system. But she is Moreno interested in funneling public money to schools that focus on religious indoctrination than she is on kids getting a decent education. She is basically a dominionist and those people are horrifying.

I’m not 100% sure we’re going to have the luxury of existence for three more generations, but I like your optimism.

In the conversations about the risks Trump poses to women, religious and ethnic minorities, LGBTQ people, and the non-wealthy, we haven’t paid nearly enough attention to the utter devastation that is about to descend on public school students. This woman is as terrifying as any other nominee he’s put forth.

Translation: “Fuck you, I’m rich enough that I don’t need to even pretend to care about anything you think matters.”

Franken also grilled her really well. She couldn’t answer a basic question about growth vs. proficiency (she thought they were the same thing, they absolutely aren’t). She bought this post. Pretty deep fucking swamp.

Rember folks, this pasty weasel believes in repealing child labor laws! She wants to go back to the days of children in coal mines! Honestly, that bothers me more than money. How morally bankrupt can you be?

Life as we know it ends on Friday. Welcome to a real dystopian hell.

And by the standards of most industrialized nations, our penal system would be considered cruel and unusual (not to mention ineffective).

Her sentence was the longest sentence for any leaker, ever. Yes, the leak was huge, but as the NY Times points out, none of the material was classified as Top Secret.

Well... it MIGHT ruin his life but it’s guaranteed to ruin millions of Americans’ (and, let’s face it, millions of non-Americans’) lives.

I honestly don’t know what would be worse - Donald actually trying to pretend to be POTUS, or Donald just handing over the reigns to Pence/Ryan/McConnell.

I think realizing what this job entails already has. He somehow had no fucking clue, even on November 9, the enormous responsibility that would be heaped on his shoulders. I’d be appreciating his misery if it didn’t mean that anything he does will badly fuck up the country.

Fuck Donald Trump a million and half times. I hope pretending to be president ruins his life.