Gidget Castrillon

“Healthy citizenship is not a passive sport and we live in a country where most people have succumb to the glamor of entertaining echo chambers.” Very true, and a large part of why the country is in the state that it’s in.

“Grace” never fucked “Will” and with good reason. You’d think the feminists and humanists would care about those reasons. But I guess not. All of that kind of thing flies out the window (oh my god! an insider reference! did you get it?!) when it comes to their *entertainment*.

“The next four years are going to suck balls so a good dose of Jack and Karen will come in handy.”

“I’m all for Megan Mullaoly getting work. I just want it to be in something good.” You care more about it than she does, that I can assure you. How desperate it must be to be a performer, willing to do anything for a job.

No, but god forbid people don’t get their nostalgia entertainment, whatever the cost. Then cue back in when they wail about the decline of our country.

Fuck all of these entitled assholes.

Oh, hey! Could this be why? Mysteries! Let’s solve them to-get-her! Surely you guys know what that refers to, right? RIGHT?

You just told me everything about your life. How sad it is.

Your comment made me laugh. <3

“Do you really want a massacre alongside celebrity gossip?” That’s funny. For me and my family, they’ve been the same thing for years now. Not for the celebrities, of course, but for us.

My social media accounts are chock full of them, for years now.

Too late to edit: We wrote very similar comments.

“Cool. Hold the trial on the moon. He’s still guilty.” We wrote a very similar comment.

Wherever you relocate the trial, you’re still fucking guilty of rape, rapist.

“I can’t stand Ryan Seacrest. It’s not rational but his face pisses me off.” Any and all dislike or hatred of Ryan Seacrest is well-earned and rational, so you’re good.

“I don’t know if Ryan Seacrest has really done anything horrible to warrant my hatred towards him but part of me is sure he has.” He has.

“Don’t worry, Angelina Jolie is NOT moving to Camodia. She’s not! Do you hear me?! SHE’S STAYING RIGHT HERE OK.”

“Special place in hell for this asshole.” This is the type of asshole who gets off on creating hell for other people.

“His disdain for women is quite plain in the lengths he goes to to NOT obtain consent.” THIS. It’s clear cut, and that simple.

“I know it’s hard to accept, but some people’s motives are literally just “they’re really into rape.” End of story.” A hard truth.