Gidget Castrillon

“It’s almost like folks don’t want women having the ability to prosecute their attackers.” Yeah, that’s the very strong impression I got when I went to my local police department. I was told I needed proof of being filmed in my apartment without my consent in order to file a complaint. So I went to the NY FBI office,

And yet, when I went to the New York City FBI office to file a complaint about something similar, I was told there were simply too many to make a paper complaint. The FBI guard suggested I file the complaint online. When i told him I’d done that, but never heard anything from them, he gave me a phone number to call.

“A life bereft of human companionship and copulation would be a just and noble punishment for their acts.” Based on their behavior, they’ve convinced me that they don’t actually value human companionship in the least.

“They don’t want to kill transparency. They want to kill democracy.” And they’re doing an excellent job of it, the traitors.

“unless enough good people join together and decide that my life is worth saving.” We’re in similar situations: my life isn’t worth saving, because my slow death has proven to be too lucrative. Enough people joined together to decide that for me.

“This is also way more depressing.” It is, but it’s the truth. I know because it’s been my life for going on four years now, minus the forced pregnancy part. But I will be forced to work on the marketing for A Handmaid’s Tale, so.

“But his likening to Jesus suggests his crucifixion is imminent, and it couldn’t come soon enough.” Lol, this is the most morbid version of glass half full that I’ve ever read.

“No, we’re not going to die. Serf’s up!” Exactly this. While they destroy our quality of life, year after year after year, they’ll be sure we’re be kept around for no other reason than to serve our corporate overlords. They’re not in any way invested in killing us off. The ever-receding hope that tomorrow will be

I’m glad to read it’s not just my account.

He’s lived a long life, so what does he care? And by all appearances, he’s always been a miserable son of a bitch.

“Crying and laughing. I think I may have finally snapped.” While I’m sorry for you, I could stand a little company, so. I’ve lived here for a while, welcome.

When skater girl stops accepting money to harass innocent women, then she can say something worth listening to about bullying.

You might have, but my sister and I didn’t grow up eating them.

She’s never bought Lay’s before, but I know why she did now. It’s really not her fault.

There’s truth to this: I’ve eaten Lay’s while at my sister’s house. While I didn’t crave them, I ate them, which is a sign that I’m half-dead inside.

“Lays potato chips on the other hand... fucking savage. Worst potato chips ever.” The truth.

The best medical care that blood money can buy, but also, even death doesn’t want them.

““Extraordinary opportunity “ to kill lots of people but at the same time a few people will make even more money? Is that it?”

“Did you burn down the house? Do you need an alibi? We were together the whole time.”

“Clearly he now realises he can manipulate Trump, and power is power, I guess.” Exactly. You’d think this half-cadaver would be too old to keep lusting after power, but I guess it’s the kind of lust that doesn’t need Viagra.