Gidget Castrillon

“But it’s hard to judge a celebrity for avoiding Kathy, since doing so gets you in the act.” Yeah, and it’s so obvious they want nothing to do with it, nothing. Ignore that all evidence contradicts that, but yeah. And Leo should never be asked to part with his phone. He’s most likely shelling and dealing, bringing us

You’re welcome to join me in my little life boat. You can even have some of my whiskey.

I’m having one right now. It’s dangerous for me to drink in this kind of mood, after the kind of day I’ve had, but there isn’t much else to do since life is elsewhere.

It’s been in that section for a few years now.

Thank you for making me laugh. It’s been a shitty, action-packed-in-the-worst-way day.

“We are sorry, but Feeling Better is closed for repairs. Please visit us again in 4 years, if you can.” I’ve lived there for four years already. I refuse to be forced to live there for another four. It’s gotten worse by the day since the day he was elected, and there’s no reason to believe it’s going to get better.

“It’s either a poorly developed joke, or poorly delivered. Take your pick.” No need to take a pick. It’s like a dirty trick of an embarrassment of riches, so it’s both a poorly developed *and* poorly delivered joke. But at least it’s lucrative!

Yup. An unfunny, inside joke.

“That’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works.” It does now! And has for a while. It’s a brave new world, now.

“I’m not saying it’s justified, per se, but it does make sense to me: it’s a way to reclaim power, a way to flip the script and make him feel violated and vulnerable, make him cower in fear. It’s more vengeful than practical, but if you’ve been subjected to a guy sticking his penis inside you for ages and one day you

So, you and the rest of the writers at Kinja have that in common with Trump.

Martha (and Martha’s stand-in) loves her business as if it were her own child. So, another season! And the same marketing practices!

“I was hoping it would go trial so that he would lie under oath (he really can’t help it) then he would be in impeachment territory.”

Intellectual property theft is fun and lucrative when you can get away with it.

“You guys, I know we need to fight and all, but I literally....the more this goes on (one week two days!) I really just want to give up. I am not suicidal, but I am seriously thinking, “It’s all over. Why bother. This unreality means we are irrevocably fucked.”

It isn’t for those who are insulated from the policies and the laws that Trump and Pence and a Republican Congress want to enact. To claim it isn’t the apocalypse for people who can’t, for example, simply fly to another state for an abortion, or are in fear of the threat of internment camps or the loss of

“Come on Obama. Put an end to this disgrace. Signal that the Progressive movement is mobilizing against injustice.” This is the world you created.

Gaslighting, while [also] proclaiming to be against gaslighting, has been a national, lucrative craze for a long while now.

You still haven’t answered my question, and I have to assume you never meant to. That’s fine, keep doing whatever the hell it is you’re doing, your, I’m sure, apology notwithstanding.

“This shit was NEVER funny.”