Gidget Castrillon

Didn’t you know? The election for the United States of America in 2016 was no different than voting on American Idol or The Voice. Thank our corporate overlords for that, and oh yeah! everyone who knew that’s what was going down, and didn’t revolt against it, but voted. Voted like it was another reality show. And

My question was genuine.

No, what I don’t understand is why we need to stock up on tampons? Has Pence said anything about having women using them in the past? I don’t remember reading anything, if he has. If I’m not getting the joke, it’s because I’m in the middle of crying. I just can’t believe any of this.

Why tampons?

I genuinely thank you for that. It’s true. Small favors feel larger after this grim week.

Who would’ve thought Jeff Buckley would help make Ghouliani relevant again?He’s rolling over in his grave. The ‘90s need to go away.

No, I wish it were that. We’re in the middle of a tragedy. But it’s making the wrong people more money, people who don’t need it, but feel entitled to still more of it. The moneyed are the ones super-smiley, and winking at each other because they know the tragedy won’t touch them. A few of them get a sadistic kick out

You’re right, and that is a fucking tragedy. Unless you’re whichever corporation owns HBO. I’m pleased to say I fought like hell against it becoming exactly that.

It’s been like that for a long while, which is why I rarely post here anymore. It’s at the point, though, where there’s not as much difference between a gossip site and NY Times, for example. Every media outlet’s writing about the same thing while also, somehow, not writing about it.

Honest Company.

Must be nice to be able to exercise your legal right to leave a show, for whatever reason you feel the need to quit.

My computer has been hacked into, so I tried encrypting my server or whatever it’s called. Trying to protect your privacy isn’t hiding anything. I made a video about it and uploaded it on the internet, so yeah. Really trying to hide, a World-Class Hider over here. The person who’s life’s details have been sold and

Typo: I mean the opposite of that.

It’s good to see McDonald’s doing something about all those sexual harassment complaints, finally. It’s been a long time coming, and too much misplaced blame on the franchises. When corporate brass decides to stop hiding behind franchise owners and owns up to its mistakes, you know the country is finally taking

I could not agree more.

Good luck, I mean that sincerely. I don’t have any idea when I can go get a check up again.

Are you allowed to speak with the cast members of a certain reality show now that the election is over? Because I’d like to speak with you or any other person who works for any other media outlet. But maybe that was more misleading shit passed off as a reason for not speaking with me.

Again, go fuck yourself. I’m worried about her rights, not her uterus. A realistic fear, given what Trump has said about women who want to get an abortion (“they should be punished”) and the laws Pence has enacted or tried to enact in Indiana. And, if that’s not enough, the laws Congress has legislated the last

Fuck off.

“getting an iud for sure. can I get it at the same time as my checkup?” What does it say about the future of this country when I want to schedule an appointment for my niece, who’s a minor, to get an IUD? Obviously, it’s not something I can do, but I’m so terrified for her that I wish I could.