Gidget Castrillon

An aside: someone is ringing my front door but won’t answer who when I ask who it is. I’ll post this first before I answer.

Why were you prohibited to speak with me? I’m on a massive hit show, and I left several messages last year, but my calls weren’t returned. It was during the primaries. The same goes for several other media outlets.

A developing storyline, or is it divination courtesy of a magic 8 ball? Let me know, Aimee!

I don’t have UTI. Sorry. Caroline, my ex-boyfriend did date someone who shares your name in the early ‘90s. Isn’t that a coincidence? It was around the same time that I thought drinking cranberry juice was effective in treating, UTIs, though, something I no longer think, or have thought for about as long.

These people have destroyed an innocent person. What unquenchable, monetized nostalgia for the ‘90s.

“Tell me though, did both penguins live?”

These fucking forced-upon typos. I read, re-read, then re-read again, because it’s happened too many times, and always misused. It should read:

“She wants to look self-important?”

Disturbing. Because of the human rights that were violated in the making and marketing of the film. Deeply disturbing, because how little that fact matters to the people involved.

“The professor in question has been placed on administrative leave[.]” Does this actually mean what it means? Or is this yet another explanation until the next day, and the next, and the next? Because this

Good for her. It’s always good when a rich, famous white woman speaks up about sexual assault and harassment because they’re more likely to be heard. #Mila4-Ever

I was thinner a couple of years ago, by about 10 pounds, give or take a few. But I started wearing my poncho over three years ago because my privacy was violated: someone, I still have no idea who, filmed me in my bathroom and uploaded it on the internet. The only reason I found out was because they left me anonymous

“Haight also cited a report conducted by the NYPD’s inspector general that noted that the police “consistently violated several regulations by continuing investigations and using informants for extended periods without authorization. The report also highlighted in a footnote that 95% of investigations were launched

I’ve never watched any of these show, but don’t they all do this? Don’t they all storm off, only to *choose* to come back for another season to do the same thing?Not genuine questions because I don’t care. Fuck her and all the other exploitative, abusive trash on those shows.

But were they killed in real life, too?

I’m positive it was an honest mistake. Don’t beat yourself up over it!

Somewhat related: a lot of famous people will release statements through their public relations about making hefty donations, sometimes in the millions. But they don’t actually make them. They do it for the good PR and the charity agrees to the terms in exchange for the publicity. My ex was friends with a few famous

It’s been a while since I’ve left a comment about the person who’s been stalking me for years now. It’s getting worse. And I’m so exhausted about by the daily abuses. Still absolute silence and zero help from law enforcement. If I hadn’t read up on how far some stalkers will go, I would think I’m being paranoid