
Game devs (and the CG industry as a whole) really need to unionize. I mean, two decades ago would have been ideal, but better late than never. I work in the industry (and float back and forth between film and games) and these articles really don’t do justice to just how insane some “crunch” periods are.

I think the “Lazy” tag is the worst. As if these guys, who have to answer to all sorts of people, and are working for companies designed to make money, are just chilling in their skivvies eating doritos while they half-heartedly type in some code on the side while watching Netflix.

My favorite misconception gamers have is everything around game engines. Especially when gamers blindly assume a game’s engine is the exact same as its predecessor “because the graphics are the same”.

I get so frustrated with one of my friends when he’ll complain about how the lack of a feature he’d like ‘is kind of lazy’ on the part of the Devs.

It is the world you live in. You just don’t realize it yet.

I think placing restrictions on some games is perfectly fair. Not all games are made equal and to assume we should apply the same streaming privledges to them is silly.

The problem is that they DO understand how business works and they know that when they put the time and money into making and marketing their product they want to have some control over how and when other people who are not them can re-package and distribute that product.

I’m tired of the internet not knowing how commerce works, but pretending like it does.

Fair Use has a specific definition, and test, that most streaming fails. Most internet users have no clue about copyright or fair use - they just throw the terms around haphazardly. It would behoove them to learn a bit about the subject before speaking on it.

Good for SquareEnix. Streaming is not a right - it’s a derivative work and covered under copyright. The publisher has every right to control what is streamed and how it’s done. I’m glad to see companies finally fighting back against the constant infringement of copyright on the internet.

Interestingly, I’m sick and tired of people on the internet not understanding how copyright works.

Stuff like this is basically why I’ve given up on DC comics lately. This happened back in the original Crisis on Infinite Earths... an attempt to consolidate their multiverse with the intent to make the stories more unified and approachable just made everything more confusing. Now I feel like if I were to get into DC

So let me get this straight. They straight up destroyed the previous that it wouldn’t become a convoluted mess for new and old readers AGAIN..............and are now in the process of making it a convoluted mess.........AGAIN?

I’d rather see some kind of labor group protecting developers before I could give a hot shit about voice actors.

You keep using the words ping and modem. I don't think they mean what you think they mean.

Anything the telecom companies don't like, I immediately and fully support.

Sony: we have a new 3rd party exclusive.

This is hilarious. The gaming community is pathetic. MS does it with Tomb Raider. Mass out rage. Sony does it with an even worse game to do it with. Praise. God, i am fucking sick of this shit.

I don't think we should be giving these kids any more attention than they deserve.