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    Translation: The possibility that bytedance may be selling US citizen personal information to an authoritarian regime and may be a vector for misinformation that may affect US policy through election interference is less important than having someplace to watch brain-dead content while on the shitter.

    Pretty much this. All we ever hear from anti-ban folks is complaints about losing access to content and complaints about people who use tiktok for a living having to do something else for money.  I’ve yet to hear anyone actually addressing the issue causing the push for a ban in the first place.

    This. The OP’s argument still leans on the idea that stories should default to white, hetero males/females unless there’s a story reason for a character not being a white hetero male/female when the thinking should be the other way around...unless a story demands a character be a specific race/gender/whatever, then

    It’s sad how much power the internet has given these troglodytes and how they’ve been able to spread their bigotry despite having so few working brain cells.

    I want to help bring sanity and civility to the public discussion. And so today, I’m announcing my candidacy as a Republican

    Except it is an act of public service in an age where white washing history and rampant history revisionism has become the rallying cry of crazies. You claim to be waving the preservationist flag, then shit on a studio doing something to preserve gaming history in a responsible way. The entire review read like you had

    I’d heard about how terrible Texas drivers were from quite a few people but chalked it up to state rivalry stereotyping...then I moved there. The overall skill level of Texas drivers is so abysmally low. Paired with a general level of entitlement and @hole behavior, it’s a wonder there are any drivers left.

    Texas drivers are the absolute worst US drivers I’ve ever encountered, and I’ve lived in quite a few states. Every single day, without fail, we run into half a dozen examples of people entirely too stupid to be behind the wheel. I’m quite frankly surprised it’s only 40% as so many people in this state drive as if

    *Looks to see the last time Jesus narc’ed to the authorities when someone did something that didn’t agree with his delicate sensibilities.*

    Way to keep ignoring the point being made by focusing on the one thing no one here is talking about because that’s the only point you have to argue with, despite it being besides the point.

    It’s funny/sad how many “Christians” in the US have absolutely no idea what Jesus actually stood for. Remember reading an article not too long ago about pastors being worried because so many long-time churchgoers were complaining to them that the “turn the other cheek” messaging “makes them look weak”...as if that

    How much training, exactly, would pilots have to go through in order for bolts that should have been tightened and pins that should have been inserted on the factory floor to fix themselves mid-flight and not cause those specific problems found on the Max 9s?

    Why is it that we always seem to have someone going out of their way to smear the messenger in these cases as if that somehow renders their message null and void? Does Pierson’s connections somehow magically make the fact that Boeing delivered a plane that wasn’t put together properly and caused a near catastrophic

    The cancer analogue used to describe post Friedman capitalism is apt. It’s mind boggling that so many in this country still idolize his perspective despite the devastation it’s wrought to the American middle class and our society as a whole...willful blindness

    The infuriating part of this whole thing is that many of these jobs may have been saved with Bobby Kotick’s golden parachute, but modern capitalism is ruthless.

    Where are you getting this info? Anecdotally, the people I know of who were impacted by this decidedly weren’t contract workers so wondering why you’re stating this with such authority.

    This. As long as cops don’t ever have to face any consequences for their misconduct, policing in this country will continue to be broken. Have independent third parties not in bed with police handle these investigations and force cops and their unions to pay for settlements related to their own conduct rather than the

    Given how Square Enix can’t leave well enough alone and keeps having to mess with things that should just be a straight update (the party level cap added to their latest Tactics Ogre rerelease, for instance), I’m perfectly fine with Square choosing to ignore this game which is one of my cornerstone games.

    Lol, as people have pointed out, you’re trying to diminish people’s subjective opinion which you’re claiming is being presented as fact by offering up your own subjective opinion and treating it as fact.

    You can thank Milton Freidman, one of Ronald Reagan’s major financial advisors, for that bs. In the 60s and 70s, corporations looked after their people because they had a broader view that if the employees were taken care of, the communities they live it would thrive, and that in the long term would be better for