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    Am i hearing things, or did the narrator call who i assume is supposed to be Lois Lane, “Louis”?

    What a weird take. Cancelling Netflix is 4 steps. Updating your credit card information on every subscription service you might want to keep without VAU would take considerably more.  Seriously, what point were you trying to make here?

    More evidence that the 0.01% should be taxed into oblivion.  With all the real-world problems in the world like poverty and environmental destruction, these billionaire a-hats use their massive resources to push bigoted culture war bs.

    Translation: The possibility that bytedance may be selling US citizen personal information to an authoritarian regime and may be a vector for misinformation that may affect US policy through election interference is less important than having someplace to watch brain-dead content while on the shitter.

    Pretty much this. All we ever hear from anti-ban folks is complaints about losing access to content and complaints about people who use tiktok for a living having to do something else for money.  I’ve yet to hear anyone actually addressing the issue causing the push for a ban in the first place.

    This. The OP’s argument still leans on the idea that stories should default to white, hetero males/females unless there’s a story reason for a character not being a white hetero male/female when the thinking should be the other way around...unless a story demands a character be a specific race/gender/whatever, then

    It’s sad how much power the internet has given these troglodytes and how they’ve been able to spread their bigotry despite having so few working brain cells.

    I want to help bring sanity and civility to the public discussion. And so today, I’m announcing my candidacy as a Republican

    That’s a lot of data to lose once laser rot kicks in...

    Except it is an act of public service in an age where white washing history and rampant history revisionism has become the rallying cry of crazies. You claim to be waving the preservationist flag, then shit on a studio doing something to preserve gaming history in a responsible way. The entire review read like you had

    I’d heard about how terrible Texas drivers were from quite a few people but chalked it up to state rivalry stereotyping...then I moved there. The overall skill level of Texas drivers is so abysmally low. Paired with a general level of entitlement and @hole behavior, it’s a wonder there are any drivers left.

    Texas drivers are the absolute worst US drivers I’ve ever encountered, and I’ve lived in quite a few states. Every single day, without fail, we run into half a dozen examples of people entirely too stupid to be behind the wheel. I’m quite frankly surprised it’s only 40% as so many people in this state drive as if

    Might want to try and read the post i was replying to, first.

    Proving my point for me, and not even realizing it.

    Lol, the mental gymnastics you have to go through to argue that we’re talking about planes having a right to privacy is hilarious in its stupidity.  The fact that you thought it sounded smart enough to broadcast is equally hilarious.

    The education system seriously failed you if you believe that.

    Think better, please. No one is saying he isn’t allowed. People are saying that the dude should have thought things through and come to the conclusion himself that trying to start a business around stalking the rich and famous is creepy af.

    You’re too focused on Swift and not looking at the whole story.  He’s stated in interviews that he was looking to turn this tracking bot into a business.  The “biggest polluters” thing is just a way to spin this creepy behavior to make his business proposal more palatable.  If this was purely an altruistic thing about

    Doing something someone sees as a threat and only agreeing to stop doing it if that someone does something for you in return is the very definition of extortion.

    He apparently tried using it as leverage to convince Elon Musk to give him an internship, used the bot tracking Mark Cuban’s plane as leverage to get business advice from Cuban, and has been using the attention from the complaints to try and turn this tracker into a business venture.