Why would they?
Why would they?
Exactly. Their whole schtick has always been getting as much for themselves as possible, and then using the government to make sure they’re the only ones that benefit, and they’ve never been all that good at hiding that fact. Since Trump came around, they’ve just gotten to the point where they stopped even trying to…
All he means by “moving on” is that he’ll stop bringing Disney up while on the campaign trail in the hopes that people forget that he’s being sued by them and that they have a very strong case against him. His policies or positions aren’t changing one bit because he’s painted himself into a corner by sucking up to the…
Yeah unless there’s a way to know for sure, a ban seems disproportionately harsh. Nuking any character progress since the start of the season and forcing the players to start over seems harsh enough to get the point across without preventing a person from playing the game you hope to keep them playing for a long…
Not quite the same. This was an exploit that people had to opt into to take advantage of, not something that was foisted on them. In your analogy, it’d be getting banned from Disney World because they found out that a bug in the tram got them to a secret part of the park and willfully taking advantage of the bug to go…
The modern Republican party has built their platform on blind obstinance, where they don’t actually have any logical basis for any of their positions...all they stand for, now, is fighting against whatever people they don’t like are fighting for. They’re a caricature of a B-movie villain and they’re proud it for some…
The party that trumpets “personal responsibility!” has never been all that good at taking responsibility for any of their own bs, unfortunately. It’s why Trump is the perfect poster-man-child for this unfortunately large demographic.
There are lots of artists paying license fees for using software which is why software has terms of service. This has been a thing since people have been using other people’s software to make money.
And no, construction vs art isn’t arbitrary. If something can be created with consistency by following a strict set of…
That’s because arpeggios are constructions and not works of art in and of themselves. As for your software royalty point, you absolutely do have to credit and pay royalties if the terms of use of the software demands it and you monetize your creation with said software.
All this does is reinforce the “PC Gamers are douches” stereotype...
Which is still basically just a fancy way of saying it looked at a bunch of pictures of hotdogs, came to a conclusion about what a hotdog would look like based on those pictures, and outputs what it’s decided a hotdog would look like when asked to output a hotdog. If all the images fed into it were purple hotdogs,…
Yeah, you’re hopeless. What we have here isn’t even true AI, it’s advanced machine learning. It isn’t smart enough to know what “pretty” actually means, let alone make any sort of aesthetic calls, and can’t think about anything that isn’t LITERALLY fed to it. If you can’t even understand that much, you really…
Again, overestimating what AI is actually doing here. To be inspired requires actual thought and being able to make decisions independent of the data you’ve been fed which AI is not capable of doing, so what AI is doing isn’t making something “inspired” by past artists because AI is incapable of inspiration at all.…
Because using past artists for inspiration isn’t what this AI is doing. It’s outputting averaged data based on data that was input into the system. There’s a direct connection between the art that was used to teach the system and the output of the system because AI isn’t advanced enough to have epiphanies or make…
Absolutely “dubiously obtained”. These artists weren’t compensated for the use of their art that in turn was used by these companies to train AI to eventually turn a profit. Without this art, the AI wouldn’t be able to generate anything, so even if the art isn’t intended to “duplicate” the original works, it still…
When artists sample for commercial gain, they have to provide credit to the original work and financial compensation where appropriate. AI trainers don’t do that, so it’s outright theft.
Quite a lot of people get new consoles not giving a rat’s ass about whether a game runs at 60 vs 30. I’d warrant the majority of people get new consoles just to be able to play games that wouldn’t run on the older consoles, regardless of framerate. Most of the framerate bitching comes from a small percentage of self…
Lol, way to prove the original poster’s point about “capital ‘G’ Gamers”
It never fails. Someone makes a reasonable post pointing out how idiotic capital G gamers are being and a capital G gamer has to chime in with a “but actually....” ....and then prove the original poster right. It’s become automatic.
So you know how negative representation in media can negatively affect how people are treated and yet you feel strongly enough about it to declare your hate for people wanting more positive representation in media.....my assessment still stands