
I love your burgers.

Trash talk is one thing. Hate speech and threats are another thing entirely.

..says the writer for a site with a comments section (replying within that comments section, nonetheless).

Thanks Tracie, I'm really looking forward to seeing that later today!

The difference is that what this guy said wasn't controversial to anyone with a brain cell. We aren't talking about professionals making bungling statements in their personal lives, we're talking about professionals making completely level-headed remarks that border on truism and having to deal with the responsibility

Frankly, I agree with Olin. I don't give a shit what anybody believes in or who they hate, as long as they don't do it publicly or to my face. Doesn't mean I condone, share or support their vitriolic and archaic beliefs. That's called acceptance, folks.

While I don't know if I can truly empathize with them - I never lost a son\daughter - I can most certainly empathize with you, as I have also had some moments of extreme douchery in my time.

There's no forcing of anyone here. Keep your old console. Ta-da!