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    When artists sample for commercial gain, they have to provide credit to the original work and financial compensation where appropriate.  AI trainers don’t do that, so it’s outright theft.

    Quite a lot of people get new consoles not giving a rat’s ass about whether a game runs at 60 vs 30. I’d warrant the majority of people get new consoles just to be able to play games that wouldn’t run on the older consoles, regardless of framerate. Most of the framerate bitching comes from a small percentage of self

    Lol, way to prove the original poster’s point about “capital ‘G’ Gamers”

    It never fails. Someone makes a reasonable post pointing out how idiotic capital G gamers are being and a capital G gamer has to chime in with a “but actually....” ....and then prove the original poster right.  It’s become automatic.

    So you know how negative representation in media can negatively affect how people are treated and yet you feel strongly enough about it to declare your hate for people wanting more positive representation in media.....my assessment still stands

    The complete inability to empathize with people is sad. Is it an inability to imagine people situations or is it that you’re just so callous that you don’t care?

    Thought experiment: Imagine yourself as a kid growing up. Now imagine that while you’re growing up, a kid who looks exactly like you and has a similar name

    It’s a sad sign of our times that there are so many people now who see their willful ignorance as a badge of honor and don’t see anything wrong with being closed minded.  Even worse, they deride people who choose to try and examine things more critically than they themselves choose to.

    Why would you think Unreal 5 would make games cheaper to make? Unreal 5 doesn’t suddenly allow you to cut your development team in half....Unreal 5 doesn’t suddenly have a “make game” button that takes a lot of the actual work out of it. You’ll still need developers to make the content, adjust any existing content to

    The fact that Tesla can choose to change how your car works after it leaves the lot whenever they want through the internet was a bigger reason for me to avoid Tesla cars like the plague, but Elon’s shenanigans sure help cement my stance.

    Messaging control is a huge deal for publishers, particularly for games with multi-million dollar budgets. How many games have we seen over the years that had positive buzz until one badly timed or poorly worded piece of info came out and the game subsequently became a target for online backlash? No company who’s

    Pretty much this. While Sakura was written to be fairly useless in the beginning, simply being a prop for a love triangle role, they started expanding on her character to have an immense amount of potential as a student of one of three legendary ninjas....only to have her constantly get her butt kicked and needing to

    Yeah, leaks aren’t all one size fits all. Leaking info showing government doing harmful things is one thing. Leaking info that can harm your countries allies, particularly one in the middle of a war that threatens its very existence, to impress some high-school racist gun worshippers is a completely different thing.

    It all boils down to this: Conservatives in this country just want to turn it into an autocracy with themselves in charge and anything they don’t agree with needs to be censored.

    You must live a sad, soulless existence if you can’t even imagine the possibility of someone making a living pursuing their passion, and reinforce the soulless part by having zero empathy for people losing their ability to pursue both at the same time.

    Soooo the next time a corporation lays off large swaths of their workforce despite record setting profits, we should be thanking them for “freeing up human labor to do something new, different, and/or better”, I take it?

    A cult is precisely what the GOP is at this point.

    What vyers said. You can’t accept an unreasonable world view and still call yourself reasonable.

    The thing that led us down this road to perdition was Gingrich and his congress. He convinced Republicans that refusing to budge and treating compromise as a failure was the future of the party (even though he was willing to compromise with Clinton once he strong-armed him to the negotiation table). He had no qualms

    Any conservative that looks at the fascism and bigotry that has become the GOP banner and chooses to express their support in order to maintain power can’t really be called “reasonable” can they?

    Are you surprised? The GOP has relied on people’s stupidity to stay in power for decades. Why do you think the GOP has been trying so hard to torpedo our education systems by letting the stupidest, lowest common denominator parents dictate what can and can’t be taught in schools?