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    I like Sanderson’s sixth grade reading level response to the interview. I’m sure there wasn’t any malice in it, but I still read some bite in it and laughed.


    Nope, you can have whatever opinion you want, just like i can ask why you feel the need to diminish people’s frustration at the choreographers completely blowing this seemingly no-brainer chance at representing South Asian dancers.

    When did I ever say you haven’t? All this does is raise the question as to why you felt the need to gatekeep someone else’s frustrations about the state of race at the oscars when you’ve also been on the receiving end of it’s narrowmindedness.

    And that’s the blind spot people are rightly calling out. No one is saying that the choreographers did the swap with malice...they just didn’t put much though into it, particularly with the milestone they were meant to be celebrating. Inadvertent racism, even without malice, still causes harm, and that’s what people

    I thought the whole point of ending racism was the acceptance of everybody and to aim for equality of opportunities regardless of race.

    Lol, i’m not the one who thinks Lebanese-Canadian and Half-Black American = Indian.  Did that go over your head?  Proving my point.

    Seriously, you don’t have to keep proving to everyone that you don’t actually know what’s going on. We get it already.

    I have responded. You’re just too stupid to grasp it.

    Again, you’re making up arguments that no one but yourself is making just so you can argue against it and ignoring the argument that people ARE making because you don’t actually have a leg to stand on arguing against that.

    I just can’t.  You just keep proving over and over again that you have absolutely no idea what’s going on here and it’s exhausting trying to dumb myself down to talk at your level.

    Again, Indian Movie. Indian Song. FIRST Indian Oscar. Dance number - ZERO Indians.

    The fact that you can’t see the problem with this keeps proving my point about you not being equipped for this convo

    ...seriously? You’re asking why we should be including Indians in a musical number from an Indian film with Indian leads who are also the leads in said musical number in question?

    why would they all be replaced with South Asian dancers

    Showing, once again, that you’re completely missing the point and completely unequipped to be a part of this conversation.

    Because white people have NEVER had a problem finding representation in Movies/Television?  The fact that you haven’t grasped this point, the point that is at the center of ALL of the discussions about representation in US media, just shows that you really shouldn’t be inserting yourself into the conversation....you

    I actually did watch RRR and the fact that they had white people in the dance number doesn’t change the fact that A) it was an Indian movie and B) that they leads were Indian and C) this is the first time an indian song won an oscar. Honestly, your mental gymnastics trying to diminish indian people’s justified

    Seriously, anyone around here who had zero trouble finding someone who looked like they did as the hero in TV and Movies growing up really needs to stfu. You didn’t grow up rarely seeing anyone who looks like you cast as the hero. You didn’t grow up always seeing people who look like you relegated to extras, side

    The most surprising thing to me is that whenever another story about GS comes out, there are people in the comments who still admit to shopping there.

    The fact that many of the loudest, most obnoxious, flag-wavers in this country also idolize dictators and view fascist governments as something to aspire to is crazy-making.