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    It’s amazing to me how people with blatantly hateful positions seem to keep doubling-down when they finally get called on their BS and have to deal with the consequences of their bigotry instead of stepping back and wondering “am i the asshole here?”

    Lol, i don’t think you understand the concept of Terms of Service and platform moderation.  This is why people think people who use “woke” derogatorily aren’t exactly smart.

    Intolerance is antithetical to tolerance so demanding tolerance of intolerance is idiotic and really should trigger some self-reflection on your part.

    Also, how is hateful ranting in a public forum about a person’s right to exist not hurtful? Do you think cyberbullying isn’t a thing?

    This is what’s wrong with a ton of media outlets nowadays, particularly gaming sites. Rather than just report facts to their readers and letting their readers make their own conclusions, they keep telling people what they should think or how they should feel about something, like people aren’t capable of making their

    The problem is that the need for lethal force is arguable in this case. He was armed and he’d already fired his weapons putting others at risk. Would it have been nice if police had another way toensure he was taken into custody instead of resorting to lethal force? of course. Were the police more likely to use lethal

    As a few others have pointed out, this definitely seems like a situation where police firing on a person doesn’t seem overly unreasonable considering how he’d already fired on other people and put people, including children, at risk. Trying to paint every black person who gets shot by the police as an innocent victim

    When you have an entire swath of people whose only regular interactions with people are via anonymous screennames where their entitlement and toxic immaturity go unpunished, this is what you get. It just keeps getting worse because there are hardly any repercussions to their harmful actions. One would hope that this

    Trying to design a game through bugs and calling out an asset that might be construed as overtly racist are worlds apart.  If a QA tester saw this, knew that it could be considered racist, and didn’t bug it, they deserve to be fired, period.

    I dunno. On every project i’ve ever worked on, QA has always been under the mandate “if it looks like a bug, bug it” and let the devs decide if it’s actually a bug and if it’s worth fixing if it is. At worst, the dev calls it “not a bug” and people move on with their lives.

    That’s like saying we shouldn’t worry about run of the mill murder because it’s nothing compared to mass murder and genocide....

    Seriously, do you actually have a point here?  Because all it looks like is you’re making excuses for cheaters.

    I’m all for personal accountability, but too often than not, the person making the stupid decision isn’t the only person being hurt. If someone wants to be stupid and can guarantee that they’re the only one getting hurt by that stupidity, then by all means, stupid away.

    At the end of the day, they’re willfully violating the TOS, and you do have bad apples that toxically flout their “achievement” even though they cheated to accomplish it. Can’t say I have any sympathy for anyone who gets reported/banned for doing something they knew violated the rules for something as stupid as

    Preaching to the choir, here.

    I guess that’s a valid example of the “competitive” part, but hardly a reason to justify/excuse mods that basically amount to cheating.

    As others have already stated, that’s an issue with those games/communities, not XIV.  Trying to paint all games with a broad brush simply because certain other games/communities couldn’t design their game properly makes no sense.

    Plenty of people do it. You telling us that you can’t? Sounds more like a YOU problem, not the game’s.

    Not sure if you saw my edit, but anecdotally I’m friends with people in multiple static raid groups who clear content quite regularly without mods telling them what to do, so it absolutely is doable.

    Except plenty of groups clear the content, just fine, without mods like cactbot telling you exactly what to do, when.

    “Competitive” how, though?  All you get for finishing “first” is bragging rights, and if you needed mods to finish it in the first place, you really don’t have anything to brag about.