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    Ruining rando strangers’ games doesn’t so anything other than ruin random strangers’ games, though.  If the publisher/developer knows about the bug and refuses to do anything about it, then target high profile streamers to get the most visibility while doing the least amount of damage.  Going after randos with little

    And you’re simply proving my point.

    You’re hopeless.  You can’t stand the idea of other people’s lives improving because you’re life isn’t so you go out of your way to make strawman arguments to tear those other people down.  Seriously, you need to make a serious life change because you’re obviously miserable and you’re going out of your way to spread

    That’s your problem, you keep pretending that these devs are “at the top” when they’re nowhere near it. Yes, they make more than people in retail and food services because what they do requires that much more technical knowledge and specialization and their contributions can potentially net companies millions in

    Spoken like someone who’s never had to work on a multimillion dollar project with tight deadlines and margins that mean the project’s success/failure could mean the difference between getting a bonus or being unemployed when the project finishes while trying to make rent in some of the most expensive areas in the

    It’s a shame that your life is so miserable that you can’t stand to see anyone else’s life improve.  I genuinely hope life starts treating you better soon, because being a miserable SOB is a terrible state to be in.

    Ark is still a buggy mess that would be terrible solo. Fun can be had if you have friends who join you who know what a buggy mess it is going in so no one takes it too seriously, but I can’t see how anyone can have fun by themselves.

    Makes me wonder if gamer entitlement/idiocy is on the rise or if the internet just makes them more visible/vocal.

    In some circles, being labelled a dick has become a badge of honor.

    They should have gone the extra mile and made the logo on the Sakura pair slimy and shrivel up when you get salt on it.

    I wish it was going away, but i just don’t see it. Shareholders elect board members who DO have a legal obligation, as a fiduciary, to work in those shareholders’ best financial interests, so prioritizing profits is baked into the system and has been from the beginning.

    Not sure what you’re driving at, here. Are you saying that corporations don’t put their shareholders returns above their employees or are you being pedantic and saying that there’s nothing in the law books that mandates this, regardless of what reality is telling us?

    It boggles my mind that nearly half of the US genuinely thinks that deregulating corporations and removing any external accountability from the equation will somehow change the fact that corporations’ one and only reason for being is to enrich their shareholders. Genuine concern for employee well-being and being a

    Sure, individual boycotts aren’t super effective at enacting change when compared to an organized mass boycott, but at least you won’t be implicitly condoning the toxicity by continuing to give those board members more of your money. Get enough people to take a personal stand and the shareholders will have to start

    It’s a shitty situation, but in our capitalist dystopia, the only action consumers can do to show their disdain for the toxicity in the company is to hit the board and shareholders where it hurts...their pocketbooks. If people continue to buy Acti/Blizz products allowing the company to continue to make money, the

    This is especially true of the type of people that seem to be inundating the right-wing, nowadays. When conspiracy theories make more sense to them than reality, expecting them to grasp satire is just asking for the moon.

    Ah, my mistake. Seemed like the implication was that Activision was the source of the rot.

    You’re making the faulty assumption that the Blizz side wasn’t an active participant in this toxicity. I personally know several people who have been the target of, or have witnessed, sexual harrassment by Blizz devs who tried to use the “prestige” of being a Blizz dev as justification/ammo, and quite a few of those

    ..you have absolutely no idea what game designers actually do, do you?

    Congrats, you are that guy.

    Why stop at Best Direction?  Why not just prevent any game that forced its devs to crunch from receiving any accolades.  Sure the devs deserve recognition for their work but at the end of the day, these awards have absolutely no tangible benefit for the devs themselves.  Meanwhile, the publishers can go around