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    That token system they used is absolute BS, forcing people to choose between a bonus and a proper work-life balance and open for managerial abuse via favoritism. The fact that this was on top of an already BS review requirement that leaves the financial fate of their employees in the hands of outside third parties who

    It still says more about your expectations than it says anything about the developers. Any game developer will want to fix things by launch. Anyone who even knows even the most rudimentary things about game development knows that that isn’t possible in many cases. The fact that you’re feeling personally put-upon

    I’m simply trying to gauge what your level of expectation here, is. The beta lasted three weekends and only ended just last week. These games, online multiplayer games in particular, are MASSIVELY complicated. Some games don’t get things patched for MONTHS and frequently those patches cause new issues. The fact that

    I don’t need to make any assumptions.  You’re laying it all out in these comments.

    The beta ended what? Last week? You guys really expected them to fix all the problems you guys found in the beta in a WEEK?

    Spoken like a true entitled privileged person. I’m a “dark skinned” person and I’m stoked to not have to play yet another game with a generic white male template as the main character in a main stream game.

    Why are you so threatened by people with more melanin than you? Why do you only feel safe when you only see

    Yeah, there are definitely tweaks....still wouldn’t say they’re more human, though.

    Seriously, who comes up with this shit and convinces society to play along? If the omission of a single, seemingly superfluous letter in a reply (k vs kk) causes a swath of society to judge you as a raging asshole, then there really is something wrong with society...with all the shit going wrong in the world, why do

    Companies spend millions of dollars on their marketing plans, which is usually included in the calculations for whether a game meets a return on investment for bonuses for developers....it’s a pretty big deal.

    Seriously, responses like this are part of why society is so messed up, nowadays. You take the time to write out a whole post about how game development isn’t supporting minorities, yet when someone asks for clarity and context to help them understand what’s being said, you jump all over him and act like you can’t be

    Amusing how you pretend to be the only one around here using your head, yet choose the most convoluted way to access content.  The easiest solution for most tech savvy people would be to subscribe to one or two services and pirate content that falls into the gaps. Whether it’s morally wrong or not is irrelevant to

    It’s sad that the Republicans have pretty much turned into stereotypical movie villains, and still manages to maintain the support of nearly half this country.

    Considering your request will likely cost them millions, i don’t think they really NEED to do that, at all...

    What are you talking about?  Rise of the Tomb Raider was fairly well received and they don’t make mobile games...

    Sadly, the more entrenched the internet becomes in people’s lives, the less decency people seem to have towards each other.  Much easier to ignore those decent impulses when all you’re dealing with are user names of people you’ll never meet.

    Dude broke the law and essentially gets rewarded for it. Not surprising, but still sad to see.

    I tend to agree. Complete bans of a specific viewpoint can lead to echo chambers where minds become closed, but that doesn’t mean people need to lend all viewpoints the same level of validity.  Any viewpoint that espouses hate for little more than the color of their skin, the gender of the person that they love or the

    Every problem doesn’t revolve around Trump, but it’s Trump’s mandates that have turned the border detention facilities into what they are.  It’s Trump’s mandates that have resulted in the Justice Department arguing in a court of law that they don’t have to provide even basic hygiene and actual beds to people being

    How many lawsuits did the Obama administration file in order to keep from having to give children soap, toothpaste, and an actual bed? I don’t remember the Obama administration arguing in a court of law that a concrete floor and an emergency blanket is acceptable.

    No one, no matter how tolerant they aspire to be, has to be tolerant of intolerance. At a certain point, contingents preaching tolerance have to take a stand against intolerant viewpoints since they’re diametrically opposed to one another.