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    Some do, some don’t.  For some people it’s a struggle that they’re willing to go through for their faith.  Choosing not to eat in front of people fasting is a kind, courteous gesture.  It’s sad that so many people around here feel the need to argue against it.

    It’s unbelievably sad that someone has to explain the concept of politeness and courtesy to people around here, and then have people argue with them as a result of it. Ninja’s trying to be courteous here and all you guys can do is try and dump on the people watching him while fasting? Seriously, what is wrong with you

    Yeah, the military are trained to do proper threat assessments whenever dealing with populations and are trained to only raise their weapons when there’s an immediate need to fire at an attacker to reduce instances of incident escalation...a necessity when dealing with a population that probably aren’t exactly

    It’s amazing how you can write so much in an attempt to counter my comments, yet somehow manage to continue to prove my original comment true.

    And there you are, proving to everyone that you have absolutely no idea what white privilege actually is...good job, there.

    The level of white privilege in this post is astounding. The fact that someone can actually write this, unironically, doubly so. You don’t even see how similar this post is to letters written by people to southern newspapers against the civil rights movement in the 50s and 60s, do you? Always framing an attempt to

    Given that the cosplayer was Lithuanian, there is the possibility that she was simply culturally ignorant of the offense she was causing, so in that respect Twitch may have overreacted, but the level of arrogance around here of people dictating what should or shouldn’t be offensive is ridiculous. It’s sad to see so

    Schools already control who has access to them for the health and safety of the students. This is simply an extension of that. You make it sound like they were banning people from walking down the street because they weren’t vaccinated.

    The problem is, being an anti-vaxxer seems to come part and parcel with a “me and my family are the only thing that matters” point of view, so I don’t see how anyone can convince anti-vaxxers to inconvenience themselves for the health and benefit of others....

    In the decade before 1963 when a vaccine became available, nearly all children got measles by the time they were 15 years of age. It is estimated 3 to 4 million people in the United States were infected each year. Also each year, among reported cases, an estimated 400 to 500 people died, 48,000 were hospitalized, and

    For as long as you’re spewing yours, i guess.

    Thank you for proving my point is such an effective way.

    The fact that you see my comment as applying to yourself says quite a bit.

    Never said you have to force people to care...you can still force people to see other perspectives.  What they do with that perspective is still up to them.  Anything less is just accepting that the world is a terrible place filled with terrible people and that that’s okay.

    Percentage of LGBTQ gamers is completely irrelevant.  Inclusivity should never play the numbers game where you have to be a certain percentage of a set population in order to be treated like a normal human being.  I’ve seen several people bring up the percentage argument, and i ask, what does any of that matter?

    You’re saying it right there....the developers are implying that, in order to “grow up” you need to procreate.  It’s judgemental, no matter how unintentional. I’m not offended at all by it, but i can understand how others would be, particularly if they had to live in a situation where they had to deal with emotional

    Lol, looking at your response and you’re calling other people “overly spoiled adult babies”?  Yeah, okay.

    Sometimes you have to force people into other people’s shoes because they lack even the tiniest shred of empathetic ability to do it themselves....the sad part is, though, that the lesson being taught will still, likely, be lost on them.

    Seeing the number of people around here deriding people who were offended and not even TRYING to take the opportunity to think about WHY people were offended or even put in the minimal effort it takes to try and put themselves in someone else’s shoes just reinforces why gamers have developed such a toxic stereotype

    How many times in your life have you been told that a fundamental part of your identity was simply just “a phase” and that something that you felt made you who you were was something worth dismissing because it was just something you’d “grow out of”?