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    Your phrasing is weird. Europe is one of the few places that allow that 90 day visa waiver, and most people don’t really take note of that when they book their flight. The only things they look at are their departure date, their return date and their passport expiration. If all of those line up, most people would

    Which, for this specific situation, would probably mean the vast majority of travelers, so calling this rule “common knowledge” is a stretch. I can’t even count the number of times i’ve seen people hold up the security line trying to bring in items that most frequent travelers would consider “common knowledge”....the

    You’re misunderstanding the problem. The confusion here lies in that having a passport that is valid until the return date listed in your itinerary isn’t enough...you need a passport that remains valid for another 3 months after that date to be allowed entry, which essentially means, as far as the airlines are

    My travel must have never coincided with my passport’s expiration and the airlines haven’t really gone out of their way to mention the three month buffer period necessary for European travel unless your passport fails the test, which is why i question the assertion that this is “common knowledge”...most people simply

    Define “common knowledge”...I’ve traveled quite a bit between the US and Europe since i was a kid and didn’t even know this rule existed until recently, and only because of stories like this.

    “Also, you’re blatantly ignoring the fact that a reasonable person can reasonably believe that the police are not going to murder everyone they come in contact with. Calling the police is not an “inherently dangerous act,” even if it’s a lie.”
    Context. The all made to the police was meant to portray a high risk

    Illinois isn’t California. California’s largely and at-will employment state meaning employers can fire anyone at any time for any reason. Some of this has been eroded by the courts, but for a clear violation of conduct rules like this, Apples can clearly fire this guy and the unemployment benefits only apply if you

    Pretty impressive.

    A fairly large number of gun deaths stem from accidental shootings due to poorly stored/maintained firearms or just general ignorance about proper gun safety. Are you saying that because mandatory lessons in addition to the waiting period won’t solve all gun related violence/death problems, we shouldn’t bother and

    I’m confused. How is requiring people to learn how to responsibly own and use a firearm before letting them own one “wish(ing) to be determinedly ignorant”? If anything, it’s the exact opposite....because ‘LEARNING’...

    Can we stop validating the “accomplishments” of these “hacking” groups by identifying them by name? You guys just keep giving them what they want... Attention. Use a generic name replacement, instead, like “internet douchebaggery group A” or something. Call them out for what they are without giving them what they

    Can’t we get reporting on these incidents WITHOUT giving the idiot collectives the attention they crave? Wherever you’d normally name the group, just replace it with “internet douchebag group” and just call it a day. Seriously, you’re just validating their idiocy...

    Man, you are so predictable.

    Meh, call it whatever you want. Watching a grown man (woman? man-child?) make a fool of himself repeatedly because he can’t accept that his end of a logical argument is flawed is hugely entertaining.

    Hah, you really HAVE completely given up on the topic, haven’t you? Here i take the effort to explain everything you got wrong and all you can repeatedly muster is playground back-talk? Well, that’s disappointing...

    *Pats head* you keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better. 😂

    Now you’re just being sour. Didn’t anyone tell you to stop digging when you find yourself at the bottom of a hole? This elementary school behavior doesn’t really do much to improve public perception of your intelligence... Unless you actually ARE in elementary school, which would explain quite a bit.

    Man, saw this reply again and I’m STILL laughing at you. Pure comedy gold. Thanks for that.

    *clap* lol

    Ya see, that post, right there, illustrates, perfectly, your problem (well, problems, plural, but that’s neither here nor there). You keep insisting you’ve answered the question, yet despite repeatedly informing you that you haven’t, rather than checking over your answers and trying to figure out i mean and/or what