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    There was never anything obtuse about what I’m asking... It’s a single, straightforward question and has been from the beginning. It’s not my fault you keep trying to find ways to reinterpret it to suit your viewpoint.

    Jesus. H. Christ, your reading comprehension skills are absolute shit. I give up.

    Oh man. I get what you’re saying, but, none of this, for the gazillionth time, answers. the. question. posted. What’s the actual BENEFIT of just sitting on our asses doing nothing? All you keep doing is pointing out things that can go wrong if the actions we take are stupid, which isn’t a given, by the way, and things

    Repetition is sometimes the only way to teach people who just can’t seem to understand a basic concept. The fact that you can’t get it is a bit concerning. I guess I’ll spell it out for you since you seem incapable of connecting the dots.

    Hahaha... The fact that you think you answered the question in those long rambling rants about social equality that nobody but you brought up is beyond hilarious. The fact that you’re sulking like a 5 year old with your “come-backs” is icing on the cake. Of all the deniers I’ve posed that question to, your failure to

    Clever. You can keep patting yourself on the back for that one while everyone pities you for your apparent inability to answer a single, simple, logic question.

    Point one: The details of the plan you’re citing wasn’t part of the original question.

    “Well elitist pricks need to be called out when they advocate for denying whole populations the right to better themselves.”

    Lots of words there amounting to you, once again, avoiding the question. Is it really that hard to answer a single, simple question without going all aggro calling people elitist pricks and the like?

    Now you’re reaching because you got caught without a good response. Any plan that would reduce emissions would have to take developing nations into account or it would never get off the ground. All you’re doing now is avoiding the question I posed, which is EXACTLY what every denier who I’ve asked has done.

    Let’s put your tin foil hatting aside for a second and look at a simple logic question.

    A person dies and the first instinct most of you have is to crack jokes and pat each other on the backs for it. That’s some sociopathic bullshit, right there...

    Considering where we are, it’s most likely this. Tasteless asses...

    Love it when someone posts a meme that’s applies more to themselves than the person they’re replying to.

    Pretty much. All this will do is generate false data that either side will spin to their own ends.

    Not much of an opportunity considering there are plenty of other groups that crack games. It’s not like people are loyal to pirating groups...if a group that allows them to steal a game stops, they’ll simply get it from another group.

    Could everyone just stop giving this asshole the reaction he’s looking for and just flag his post as Harassment (since he’s harassing everyone who hasn’t played the game yet), and then just ignore him? Best thing to do for douches like this is to just ignore them and not give him the reaction that he’s getting off on.

    Pretty much. Whenever you see that shit, just flag it as harrassment and move on. Best thing to do for posters like that is to not give them the attention they crave.

    Just flag his shit as harrassment. Little dick’s probably getting off on pissing people off.

    Don’t feed his shit. Just flag his spoiler posts as harrassment and move on. Little dick just wants attention.