
ANOTHER white person fucking up by wearing black face? How aboriginal.

One of Deadspin’s sister sites ran an artcile today declaring that white Amercia’s failure to speak up against racist cops murdering black people means that we secretly condone it. So, by that logic, up until this article, your failure to discuss the Boston Marathon bombing meant that you condoned it.

Can’t have it

This is what Puig does. When he messes up (which is often) he leaves the game and sits out for days on end. Strikes out 4 times in a game, takes two off. Missed a ball in the outfield, leaves game with hammy injury. The kid is pretty much worthless. He’s the second coming of Adrian Beltre for most of the fan base

You can’t spend the entire NBA season criticizing the Knicks and the Sixers for shutting down their superstars, while simultaneously bemoaning the “baseball gods” for a completely preventable injury — to a superstar — in a preseason game.

The fact that the downside risk grossly outweighed the upside is why the agent's advice wasn't anything close to right.

This just in..."Professional Sports Team's Management Staff Make Sound Business Decision Assessing Risk of Player Injury".

Now you've got it! The Gawker network's masthead should just read, "Shit on Something . . . Anything."

Agreed, Tom I think was a little off here. The 'abnormality' showed he was predisposed to such an injury, more so than other pitchers. This was not a 'he's a pitcher so we are lowering it', it had a medical eval which was reviewed and confirmed due to the dispute. It's easy to hate on the Astros but they did their due

Imagine if the Astros had signed him, and he then needed Tommy John Surgery? You would be writing up a LOLASTROS article as quickly as possible highlighting another error in management.

also worth noting is that McGwire was a power hitter. Bonds/Ramirez/ARod were tremendous hitters who also happen to have tremendous power. I think hitting for average is much more of a science than hitting for power.

OK, I get that was a douche bag move by the officer. But what the fuck was the deal with the camera person. He speeds up in traffic to get his footage, then almost takes out both the biker and the cop (when the cop makes his douche bag move) while laying on the horn in the process. Then proceeds to stalk the cop

I will still continue to cheer for the Cowboys because it is vitally important for my emotional well-being that an ever-shifting rostrum of professionals on a multi-billion dollar franchise placed/moved to the city/region near where I grew up/currently live/picked out of a hat* bests a similar construct deigning to

Oakland also disapproves of regular showering, apparently, so I'm not super bummed.

I take it you're not familiar with all the news crew muggings that have happened in Oakland the last few years. Here:

Why aren't you getting more traction with this?

Sure you didn't mean to file this to Greg Anthony I mean Kenny Smith?

Took me a while but I finally see it. The catcher is Greg Anthony.

What's the joke in this? Is this supposed to be like when thought all black people look the same? Or is this more like when you liked to pretend black people get arrested during basketball games? Just need some help to find the humor