In comedy, that's known as a "callback."
In comedy, that's known as a "callback."
If CP3 doesn't understand that trying to act tough and mad-dogging while getting the shit kicked out of you looks really dumb, maybe this isn't for him.
Man what the fuck is wrong with people? The SI Swimsuit Edition isn't about normal sized people or normal anything. It's specifically about featuring exceptionally good-looking and athletic swimsuit models.
ESPN/ABC broadcasts, however, inflict intense physical & mental distress. [Exceptions: the venerable Hubie Brown, and the rare opportunities Doris Burke gets to call games.] Jon Barry is inane, grating and frequently wrong. Mark Jackson? Don't even get me started. And I'd rather drive a railroad spike through my brain…
Oh god, its not race, just stop.
I believe they were referring to the homeless. #blacklivesmatter
Slow night, Tim?
Saw your tweet. "Just took a dude out." So gay.
So true. This site is the most bizarre mix of ruthless sports-related ridicule and bleeding heartedness I've ever seen.
I love it so much when y'all so desperately want something to be racist and then it just isn't.
What's a "climate change" denier? Is that the same as a global warming denier, you know, the term you libtards used to use, and before that it was global cooling. Is it OK with you idiots to deny global cooling and global warming, but you some how look down on people who deny "climate change"? Gosh, sure hope you…
How long before Lebron is a "cocksucker" again, Deadspin?
No, he stood in front of a microphone and told kids to be afraid of the police. No leader does that, that's why Cops everywhere have no respect for the guy anymore.
"There are a significant number of people (maybe even a majority) in this country that believe it is okay for the police to murder unarmed black men because they talk back to police, because they illegally sell loosies (a misdemeanor), or because they commit any other number of imagined offenses or real but minor…
Tom, you're the biggest Cutler apologist I've ever read. The guy's an enigma to the Bears fan base and since he joined the league 10 years ago he's won 1 playoff game (coincidence?). Oh, he also leads all quarterback's in interceptions this year and he's the highest paid player in the league. Just leave it alone…
He's just an unfrozen caveman, unaware of your societal expectations that he be angry at mild violence.
Is Marcus Mariota White Boy Roy? I'm just trying to figure out which reason to call you stupid.
Something similar can be said about the opposition this year's favorite, Mariota, faced this year. The Ducks played just one team in Sagarin's top ten — Michigan State (No 10) — and just one more in his top 20, UCLA (No. 17), and just one more in his top 25, Stanford (No. 22).
This article is factually wrong. Oregon's second best opponent was not UCLA, but no. 10 Arizona. They lost to them earlier in the year, and creamed them in the PAC 12 title game. This lessens your argument significantly. Don't let your Bama bias get in the way of actual reporting. Does Gawker even read this stuff…
The worst, worst, WORST human beings I ever tend to meet are the Dumb Street Racing Story Guys.