“Kevin Love is dead”
“Kevin Love is dead”
“No more famous Boston people for 50 years.”
Hopefully we can grandfather Charles Pierce in and keep him around because he writes better than 99% (myself included) of people do anything.
I guess the hue and cry from the fanbase to fire Jackson was finally loud enough that the front office had to make a move.
There’s no better joy than having the over on a college game that just got to overtime.
Not to sound like Jim Cornette here but Brie apologizing after the fact pissed me off to no end. We all know wrestling is fake, no need to rub our noses in it.
Screw Chris Conte
Brock’s back in WWE because the Saudis backed up the Brinks Truck to get Brock on their show in November.
Wolves absolutely screwed themselves by giving 150 million to Andrew Wiggins. The contract just started and it is already hamstringing them.
WWE is starting to book like late-era WCW: Kickass undercard matches and fuck finishes that everyone hates in the main event
I miss Nazi Shark. Then again, if I want Nazis I just have to go on Twitter these days.
Khalil Mack had more touchdowns in Week 1 than Derek Carr. Just wanted to point that out.
Maybe this is actually brilliant by Buffalo? When Allen is only below average, it will look great compared to the black hole of suck that is Peterman.
“...the shittiest turf in professional football...”
I use them all the time. I click them, then if I have a follow-up thought I write a new text right after.
WAY late to the party but what actually happened was somehow worse than your apocalyptic scenario.
Khalil Mack had more touchdowns than Derek Carr.
Who cares if the matches are laid out beforehand? I don’t care how the steak is cooked, just that it tastes good. Same with wrestling matches.
Think there’s something to be said that Vince (and by extension WWE) just doesn’t know how to create stars. Hogan, Austin, Rock, Cena...WWF/E had very little to do in creating them. Hogan was imported wholesale from the AWA. Austin flopped as the Ringmaster before becoming the beer-drinking redneck after an ECW sting.…
The worst part isn’t the Bears losing to Green Bay. That happens every year. The worst part is that I thought this team would be different.
I understand it may be too on-the-nose these days given our current political climate...but I miss Nazi Shark.