“In one night, he and every other Cubs fan I met became the most insufferable people on the planet.”
“In one night, he and every other Cubs fan I met became the most insufferable people on the planet.”
Dave Meltzer, is that you?
(Yes, like 3 people get this joke, but whatever)
“And for the last time, it’s a liquor store, not a package store.”
Chik-Fil-A is wildly overrated. Wendy’s Spicy Chicken Sandwiches >>>> anything on the Chik-Fil-A lunch menu.
“Ten times this team has been within two victories of being champs.
“For some reason my little brother claims to be an Eagles fan (We grew up in North Dakota WTF).”
Carson Wentz is a GOD in North Dakota. So that explains that.
This guy (lady?) gets it.
Best part about that NFC title game was that the Vikings went up 7-0...and lost 38-7.
In fairness to them losing to the John Fox Bears is pretty impressive in its badness.
The Tucker Max sideswipe is the best part of this (very good) article.
The various Chris Sale ones are the most disgusting since he’s so thin and his arm whips around with such force.
Went to New Orleans for Wrestlemania weekend...had an absolute blast. I love that it is a filthy, seedy, scummy place. If I wanted Disney for adults I’d go to Vegas.
There were so many Bears fans down there a few years ago Matt Ryan had to burn a timeout on offense so they could switch to a silent count for the rest of the game.
Wouldn’t wish back pain on my worst enemy. Here’s hoping he can be pain-free (or close to it) in retirement.
“ThE cORnEr oN tHe NuMbErS rEpReSeNt ThE cOrNeR Of ThE sTaTe.”
“...the national umbrella organization, which is headquartered in Salem, Massachusetts.”
I did not have a busy day today, but I also always make time for Twitter. Because I hate myself.
My girlfriend is from St. Louis and she told me, “So glad the Rams are gone, now I can have my Sundays free!” and by the looks of things it looks like people in LA are treating the Rams with that same mentality.
Riddle was an AAW regular so I saw him a half-dozen or so times. He’s certainly has it in spades and was very gracious to everyone at the shows. Excited to see how the main roster screws him up!
Trevor’s email/story was in last year’s WYTS for the record.