Curtain Jerker

Superb reference, take a bow and have your star. 

As a Bears fan this article is the highlight of my year.

“ Maybe it was the weed cookie I ate on the way into the game, but it was easily the most pleasant afternoon I have ever had at that stadium.”

I’m so fucking tired of being asked to not scream profanities in front of children.”
Sarah speaks for all of us regardless of our fandom.  

Oh for sure, I’m not dumb.  But my point was that the easy excuse these three (and their defenders) offered of “hey, kids are dumb” doesn’t necessarily wash here.  

The day long awaited is finally upon us.  Welcome back WYTS, it has been too long.  

Not to steal fellow Deadspinner Patrick Wyman’s gimmick, but Justinian was pretty damn successful in recreating the Roman Empire. Other than France and most of Iberia, that’s a pretty fair approximation of what Rome looked like in its heyday.

“It is possible to go through your teen years subject to those social and physiological pressure and not say things that hurt and belittle entire swaths of human beings.”
Thanks for adding this. I feel way too many people are saying “Teenages suck, amiright?” I was a former schoolteacher (8th grade) and while many kids

“I have three kids and it’s not a TOTAL downer.”  Find that hard to believe when the vast majority of your articles talk about your kids in a way that makes any sane person less likely to have kids themselves. 

The three constants in life are death, taxes, and a Drew Magary article that makes me thrilled I don’t have kids.

Jaws is a great call.  I’d also like to nominate “The Shawshank Redemption” for consideration.

Hey remember when we all praised the Knights for being smart, as opposed to 90% of the NHL?  Yeah, so much for that.  

Absolute best part of this picture isn’t the Cardinals shirt or MORANS sign. The best part is that this gentleman was out that day protesting in favor of going to war in Iraq.

“I want to be working here in five years. 

Mariota was a mess last year, but at least if he was the QB you’d only have to put up with mediocre QB play, not mediocre QB play and all the BS that comes with Winston.

In three years of playing quarterback, he has been an average to slightly-above-average passer whose turnovers are nearly as bizarre and idiotic as his off-the-field transgressions.”
That’s what I don’t get about all this! It would be one thing if he was a MVP candidate every year. I can at least understand going to

The step-up knee strike she hit had me gasp. That’s automatically my new favorite move in wrestling.

In WWE there are two groups of backstage creative people. There’s the “writers/Creative” who come up with plot points and script promos. Then there are “agents” who help the wrestlers design the layout of the matches themselves. In WWE wrestlers almost never “improv” on the fly unless they are very experienced and/or

For his own sake he better stay away from nightclubs in Medellín. 

I did pretty much the same thing with the Cubs, only I signed up for the list in 2008 and promptly forgot all about it. In 2013 or 14 when the team called me asking me if I wanted to buy seasons I told them the same thing you did - thanks but no thanks.