Why IS Canada so bad at soccer? (Serious, non-sarcasm question BTW)
Why IS Canada so bad at soccer? (Serious, non-sarcasm question BTW)
And most likely Russia...although Group A is pretty bad.
Just make Iniesta the player-coach and call it a day.
VERY happy to see it but Heyward’s BABIP is .419 the past two weeks. Let’s see how well he hits when that regresses back to the mean.
Props to Punk for pursuing his dream and I’ll never throw shade at a guy who made hundreds of thousands of dollars in 20 minutes work, but Christ Almighty is Punk light-years away from competence in an octagon.
The end of the game had a very “stoppage time in soccer” feel to it. I was half expecting the game to be called once the Capitals cleared the puck out of their own zone.
I have no idea for certain of course but that wouldn’t surprise me in the least.
If Dr. Amann never sued Punk/Cabana no one but those deepest inside the wrestling bubble would know who he was, not to mention he’s out his own legal fees (as are Punk and Cabana of course). Then again, if WWE was the Peter Thiel to his Hulk Hogan he doesn’t have to worry about the latter.
I don’t fault KD one iota for going to Golden State. We judge players on whether they win a ring or not (see: the constant bashing of Charles Barkley on Inside The NBA) but then when they make the best move to win said ring we bash them for that? Seems like a double standard.
That reminds me, what the hell is a Chief Knowledge Officer anyway?
“... jock businessmen wearing game jerseys over dress shirts...”
Why should they be worried though? They’ll just get paid desk work after all.
If I have learned anything from years of watching wrestling it is that heel vs heel feuds generally don’t draw that well.
What’s even cheaper than Uber OR owning a car is taking the Red Line to/from work. $5 a day round trip. Obviously not an option for everyone in every town but between the CTA and the occasional Lyft/Uber I sold my car a year ago and only rarely miss it.
Great read. Here’s hoping the tournament goes off without a hitch.
My personal favorite is this gem: “You’re a horrible person. Like horrible at being a person.” So glad he clarified what he meant, I was confused for a second there.
Hopefully that idiotic superstition of “the team that touches their conference championship trophy won’t win the Cup!” ends now that both teams have touched their respective trophies. I mean, it should have ended years ago, but better late than never!
“Bill Simmons: Okay, since you’re a girl, I’ll walk you thru this:”
Nice job glossing over this example of sexism because it wasn’t a dumbass chant.
“Fox only has two available hours of prime-time programming, so SmackDown is expected to remain a two-hour show.”
I’m neither a huge hockey nor PL guy...is this more or less improbable than Leicester City winning the PL?