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They should have just turned this Mr. Show sketch into a movie

Yeah, I’ve been on-board with everything they’ve done on the show, but the pacing and focus has been SUPER wonky. The balance has just been completely off. Using the whole “Boba’s dreaming in the bacta tank” framing device for the flashback sequences is fine, but it was a weird choice to make something like 90% of

see also Hardy, Tom

Known in the business as “Daniel Craigin’ it”.

I think the problem is deeper than that. I just think the basic success of the Mandalorian, both in terms of quality and popularity, pretty much obviated any need for a Boba Fett series. They successfully made a series about a guy who looked like Boba Fett but cooler, is actually a Madalorian, and is more interesting

What I’m taking from this is that Luke’s post-RotJ career was spent devolving into a shitty prequel Jedi, culminating in him seriously considering murdering his apprentice after a chilling vision of things to come (and if you think Mace Windu wouldn’t have cut up li’l Annie like a bushel of fresh sunflowers if he’d

One off episodes of a character or story that seemingly has no connection to the main plot of the show is pretty common. Establish a new character, give up to date information about a returning character, tell a story in the past or somewhere else that parallels or informs the main story. The problem here is that with

That’s not how it works.

I’ve given up on correcting people and convinced myself there’s just an extra meta layer to the saying in that the general public drank the “they drank Kool-aid at Jonestown” Flavor Aid. And yes I’m fun at parties because I keep this shit to myself and online forums.

Grogu steps forward, lifts his little robe, and urinates on both lightsaber and chainmail shirt. 

If every Disney+ show was presented under some catch-all banner like “Star Wars Adventure Presents” (or something less stupid than that) it would be more understandable that stories would circle back on each other in an anthology format. I claim to be tired of the tightly interwoven approach to Star Wars that doesn’t

Oh yeah!

::Christine Baranski angrily tweets Terry Bradshaw’s address::

In the end, the ladies will receive word that Samantha died, and the body was never recovered. Cut to Kim Catrall living a new life as a lumberjack.

I think they’ve been steering him towards him rejecting the cult for awhile now, to me the Armorer came off as a type A psycho this time around, I was sick of hearing her transatlantic chiding pretty quickly. I don’t think were supposed to be on her side. Maybe they’re setting him up to become a jedi himself.

“Genuine...” never mind...

As long as people don’t go after him for his marijuana use. He has a doctor’s prescription and thus is a Legal Stoner.

Glert™ on Sale! Come on down and get 1/2 off on any size bottle of Glert

This guy sounds like a Real Snot Leg.