Jesus, yeah. Whose idiot nephew is he?
Jesus, yeah. Whose idiot nephew is he?
Exactly my point. What pisses me off about this Ukraine situation is that they’re just lazily reusing the same bad guys from the old crises we all have nostalgia about. Really? Russians? Again? There better be some surprising twists coming or I’m cancelling my CNN subscription.
My theory is that all the people airily dismissing the show’s flaws have been Stockholm Syndromed by too many repeat viewings of the prequels. Wooden acting, janky pacing, flat dialogue? They crave that shit now, and Book of Boba delivered.
I remember a criticism of Solo at the time that it felt like they just filmed a Wikipedia (or Wookieepedia) page, but I feel like it’s far truer for this show: a workmanlike trudge through events which only occasionally remembers that it should be trying to make you care about it. This happens, then that happens, then…
If this becomes another horror franchise, fingers crossed we get the prequel Boyz 2 Men.
And if this one goes well, Clint Eastwood is signed on to direct the gritty revisionist Western Woody’s Last Roundup.
Where’s the picture of Yoda? And why is the header image legendary character actor Victor Wong in Big Trouble in Little China?
In Reamde, the division is like 20% interesting MMO game stuff to 80% gun-nut Clancy-sniffing technothriller. Stephenson needs a real editor, and that editor needs a chainsaw.
anti-heroes, moral ambiguity/complexity, graphic violence, where evil triumphs over good
We’re always told to shoot for the Moon. But what happens when the Moon
for US?
Anyway, this sounds a lot less fun than an adaptation of Neal Stephenson’s batshit scifi novel Seveneves, which has the all-time classic opening line hook: ‘The moon blew up suddenly and without warning.’
If I’m going to sink 500 hours into a game, it had better pay me back by earning me some unique and valuable NFTs. Gamers are crying out for this exciting new frontier in monetised recreation!
The first time Han and Leia pop by for the weekend, Grogu is going to give his master such a withering little look.
“I know what this looks like, my padawan, but this...this is clearly a work meeting.”
To misplace your main character for one episode might just be unfortunate, but two looks like carelessness. Such weird plot structuring.
He should start insisting on doing a cartoonishly bad Cajun accent in every role until the studio relents. Dat’s called usin’ ya gumbo-pot, chere.
Elsewhere in the cast, the Kool-Aid Man will be voiced by Michael Shannon.
Kate Bush, the New York Dolls, Devo, and Judas Priest have all been nominated three times.
I really can’t see Lego Antlers coming back from this.
Seemed believable to me. The kid is off to school so he’s having an empty nester mid-life crisis and buying a sports car.
I think helmet-removal for eating (and hopefully dental care) is okay, and the question had the implication ‘have you been flashing your naked face around in front of other living beings like a shameless face-hussy?’