
One slightly bum note for me was how accepting Din seemed of the Armourer’s helmet-shaming him. Throughout season 2 there was this subplot of him realising that he’d been brought up in quite a weird, cloistered environment, to the point where by the end he was willing to break its rules and show his face. But I guess

“Keep at least one eye open, ‘cause Boba’s old pal Din Djarin just might pop in to...take over for a whole episode and remind everyone of the far superior show they wish they were watching. Hoo boy.

And I swear that I don’t use a gun,
Mommy Ma-artha, Mommy Ma-artha...

With all due respect to Ewan McGregor, any insect that boasts about living inside people can fuck right off.

If this case is successful, the makers of No Time to Die can expect to hear from my lawyers. The trailer clearly promised us more than an extended de Armas cameo, and my class action lawsuit will seek a very reasonable $200m for emotional distress.

But what if this so-called ‘delay’ is just a clever ruse, and when our guard is down, the waiter peels off his face, and it’s actually Mission: Impossible 7, and it totally fooled us?!

BREAKING: Green has revealed how back in 1997 she was forced into accepting the knee-high boots and eye-candy persona by the director of her first ad, Joss Whedon.

Oh man, the Wikipedia page for this thing is a thrill ride all on its own. At the very least, I’d watch a Fyre Festival-style documentary about the production.

To be fair to the film, though, that scene where Louis XIV holds a press conference rambling about the curative effects of ground-up mermaid injected directly into the body now looks weirdly prescient.

And in breaking news from 2029, G/O Media is requiring all writing staff to relocate to pods in the suborbital Musk Entertainment Array. Oxygen and radiation pill costs will not be included.

They should have gone for the tax breaks and filmed in Vancoúvenor.

Young Sauron.

Microsoft believes the acquisition will help the company ramp up its growth in the gaming industry and “will play a key role in the development of metaverse platforms.”

“Actually I’m one of the nicer showrunners around. Did you know Shonda Rhimes makes her writing staff all play Russian roulette whenever they get a bad review? And Aaron Sorkin? Strangles puppies to get his dialogue juices flowing. I know the cousin of the guy who gets him the puppies.”

Bit worried about this one. The one line he had in the trailer, his accent sounded like he was going for ‘prepubescent Dick Van Dyke Cockney’.

After rewrites, Marvel are confident that fans will hardly notice Shuri’s absence from large parts of the film, which is explained by other characters remarking that she’s off ‘doing her own research’.

So I’ve just been doing a lot of work.

Yeah, there’s some interesting stuff going on here about fan vs actor vs franchise ownership of characters. Morrison has said he had a good deal of input into Boba’s character as he returned in The Mandalorian, and the whole direction seems to be shaping him into the type of honour-bound warrior who are already all

In the Mouse’s world, you either die a villain or live long enough to see yourself become the far less interesting PG-rated hero.

I mean, the whole Let It Be album was clearly written as a Lord of the Rings soundtrack then hastily retooled.
‘Two of Us’ - Frodo and Sam set out from the Shire.
‘Dig a Pony’ - Sam sings of his love for Bill.
‘Across the Universe - Gandalf enjoys pipeweed.
‘I Me Mine’ - Heartwrenching Gollum solo.
‘Dig It’ - Gandalf