See also: John Shaft.
See also: John Shaft.
The correct answer is clearly Johnny Utah, for the simple reason that when he introduced himself to people, he could say: “My actual name is Johnny Utah.”
From Dune, the rainy midnight visit of the Bene Gesserit and the tense what’s in-the-box test sequence has to be up there among the most memorable scenes I saw this year. Just an incredible combination of score, imagery, and sinister ambience.
Thanks! Strange to see myself being quoted as an AV Club authority
Fucking seriously? Ringling Brothers Parade Film (1902)? Everyone knows that series went to crap after Ringling Brothers Big Top Moving Picture (1899).
I loved Hitman 3 as well, but I wonder if its PC Epic exclusivity had anything to do with it having a lower profile? Don’t want to relitigate their whole strategy of snaffling up great titles, but even as someone who loved the game I’ve found it occurs to me less because it’s not on the Steam launcher where I do 99%…
Coincidentally, ‘clumsy regressive imperial nostalgic garbage trying to skate by with a thin layer of jokey irony’ would also be my review for the current UK government.
I believe this was Dowd’s way of respecting the spoiler embargo but confirming the rumours that Kraven the Hunter will appear played by Dame Judi Dench.
“Why’d ye spill yer web fluid, Parker?”
Strunk and White’s Elements of Style isn’t gonna fuck you bro.
(But I agree with you that this kind of note in recent MCU reviews is getting a bit repetitive. SAUSAGE COMES IN ‘SAUSAGE SKIN’ SHOCKER: CONSUMERS AGHAST.)
This isn’t the type of fiddling I was picturing, but I can dig it.
If the movie is reviving old favourites from the 2000s, it should definitely bring back fan favourite Big Pillar Of Light In The Sky for a cameo.
This feels a bit harsh on Deathloop, which is definitely higher up in my personal rankings for 2021. I can understand the critique that some of the game’s rich asshole villains are cartoonish, but, well...[gestures at penis space rocket]. And there’s more depth there that you uncover as you go along, through their…
even those who seem to have forgotten exactly how to play the roles they occupied so many years earlier
Fittingly, the only way NFTs could ever have any real value would be if we all had our brains uploaded to a Matrix-style shared simulation where digital objects were genuinely limited and in-demand.
“Welcome to my cyber-gallery, pleb. Pay me 9.99 Zuckerbits and you may gaze upon my private, exclusive 5-second clip of…
We’ve officially left the uncanny valley behind. Welcome to the unkeanu valley.
Long slow shot of gravestone...BOOM. Zombie hand erupts from the soil. Let’s face it, it was only a matter of time before a show about dead people was incorporated into the Walking Dead Televisual Universe.
Jeremy Strong auditioned too, but when they couldn’t give him an authentic translation of ‘beep-deep-bee-doop-doo-doop’ he stormed out shouting it was all fake bullshit.
“Mr. Big lived what many would call an extravagant lifestyle— including cocktails, cigars, and big steaks...”
If they get the cast of Spider-Man: Far From Home to make a cameo here placing both the Sony and MCU Spider-Men within the Spider-Verse, we’ll have the superhero movie equivalent of a turducken. A...Spi-turducken.