
This was an especially good year for the Gotham Awards, as they only lost three guests to the Joker’s laughing gas before Batman arrived. A new personal best for casualties!

My breaking-point came in the second episode when Jackson interrupted the recording of ‘Dig a Pony’ for a 20-minute CGI chase sequence around Laketown.

A tortured vigilante who humourlessly killed bad guys without remorse - maybe Hawkeye’s real shame is that the Snap temporarily turned him into a DCEU character.

Great, another movie made just so the lead actor can do a blatant audition tape for The Emoji Movie 2.

This could work, but only if every single conversation ends with the hero declaring: “I should go.”

Does this make Bob Hoskins the Chris Pratt of 1996? Better times...

The UK’s new minister for culture (wars) has already started this backlash rolling when she was asked about it today. JKR tweet incoming in 5, 4, 3...

No, they wouldn’t trust a lowly VP with such a central aspect of TV production. Shame he’s not involved. I can only guess that he was approached but was too overcome with smutty laughter at the phrase ‘oral history’ to take part.

With the release of American Underdog, nearly every American [NOUN] movie title has now been taken. Filmmakers wishing to use this lazy but popular formulation should be advised that only the following original titles are now available:

American Persiflage
American Bezoar
American Funambulist
American Spitchcock

But does he interview classic AV Club gimmick commenter HBO CEO of Tits? If not, no sale.

Even the better Netflix Marvel shows were so overlong and plodding, from episode length to to episodes per season, that they eventually came to feel like a long, long drive to the fireworks factory. It was the first time I really felt the dead hand of the algorithm - it seemed like they were designed for people

These, of course, sound silliest in Leto’s cartoon pizzaiolo accent

“I’ve seen things you people...probably would believe, to be fair, because we evidently haven’t had any new ideas for 40 years. Attack ships on fire off the - wait, come back! You’ll never guess who the replicant is this time! ... Huh, good guess.”

So in just two years, the country’s destination has switched from Brexit’s sunlit uplands to Peppa Pig Land. Whatever you say, Great Helmsman!

If I wanted to hear insincere waffling about social progress from an Old Etonian, I’d watch literally any Boris Johnson press conference.

Honestly, kudos to the Miramax lawyer way back in 1994 who thought to include a clause in Tarantino’s contract forbidding “the sale of any hypothetical electronic Ponzi-scheme bullshit distributed via modem on the AOL Online system of tubes known as the World Wide Web”.

I always thought Hawkeye handing out Avengers memberships was a bit like being offered a job by the office intern. Maybe confirm that with somebody more senior before celebrating.

Wow, sure sounds like JKR is being ostracised...TO A BIGGER HOUSE!

And in breaking news, we have a call coming in from an individual claiming to be the leader of the scorpions. By God, he’s hideous!

No matter how many things I see him in, I always feel like someone named ‘Finn Wolfhard’ should really be a Nordic-themed pro wrestler with ‘Immigrant Song’ as his entrance music.