
Major problem with the current Labour Party is the leader, Keir Starmer. Elected on a manifesto of pledges, all of which he has now renounced, he has initiated a purge of socialist/left-leaning members, many of whom have been Labour Party members for tens of years, and the excuse of ‘anti-semitism’ has been used. This

Anyone else old enough to pick up on the Irish analogies here? I mean Christ, that funeral scene!

The real Disco Elysium is the lives capitalism ruined along the way

It’s the royal we. I’m the king of Spain.

I heard they were originally going to go with a Scandinavian aggressor this time, but IKEA threatened to pull their sponsorship.

Look, my brother did the best he could raising that boy, and I just feel sorry for him, okay?

Let’s just admit it, hot dogs are a sandwich!

Well, he did become the Big Bad at the end of TLJ. He killed Snoke and Hux wasn’t going to do anything to stop Kylo. And that was really intriguing. It’s just too bad JJ (and a lot of fans) didn’t like it.

TLJ said “you know, Star Wars can tell a lot of different stories” and RotS responded with “nah.”

I see what you mean, but I just have never been impressed with dry-brining my turkeys at Thanksgiving. Wet brine for me, all the way. 

This, exactly. Yes, TLJ had problems, but it also surprised me in a way no Star Wars movie has since 8 year old me sank back in my seat in bewildered defeat and confusion when the credits came up at the end of Empire Strikes Back. That alone puts it as my favorite of the sequel trilogy. It went new places. 

There was a point in final act of the Last Jedi where I realized that I had no idea what was going to happen next. That’s a feeling I had never felt before with Star Wars, and I haven’t felt it since. Just because of that, TLJ was my favorite SW media since ESB.

It’s amazing how many comments here have nothing to do with the article. It isn’t “Boba Fett was bad” or “the story is incoherent” it’s a well thought out critique of how they’re handling the extended universe, which is especially relevant given how franchise-heavy all our media is these days. Read beyond the title

Yeah, it’s going to be annoying as fuck on rewatch to end season 2 on an emotional note, then have everything jarringly back to status quo when season 3 starts, only to remember I have to sift through Boba Fett to find the important developments. Future me will be googling which episodes specifically I have to go back

The more I think about the Book of Boba Fett the angrier I get at it. Not because of the piss poor quality, but because I think they’ve been really unfair to Mandalorian fans.

that is a list of OOF...

Writer 6 credits

That exact same argument has been used for decades (if not centuries) to keep out some “undesired” class, whether it be Blacks, Jews, or poor people. It’s a bullshit argument. Aesthetics are not more important than people.

When people oppose affordable housing, they often do it for reasons other than distaste for poorer people. Instead, they raise the kinds of concerns Chappelle is voicing here: the development is not consistent with the character of the neighborhood, or it won’t be aesthetically pleasing, or it will increase traffic,

Alan Grant: “ELLIE SATLER.