
I remember as a kid, getting the Boba Fett action figure before Empire Strikes Back came out (saved up those proof of purchases and everything).

When it came in the mail, I remember turning it over in my hands and thinking, “I sure hope there’s a TV show one day where this guy takes a lot of baths.”

I propose that he always be referred to be an anagram of his name, since his name sounds like it was randomly generated anyway. I’ll start:

I’ve been helmet-shamed...

Obsessively looking for inconsistencies, then banging on about them ad nauseam, is what many Star Wars fans live for.

I mean, it’s worse. He wasn’t primarily created to look cool but he did and struck a chord/nerve. Somehow they resisted but after ROTJ he was basically turned into fan service. Fan service that somehow became fundamental to the plot of the whole IP. And that’s why Star Wars sucks. It sucked when it happened to Marvel

He broke the code at least three times. Once to fix a fatal head injury at the end of season 1, again to complete the mission at the Imperial base in season 2, and probably worst of all for emotional reasons at the end of season 2. He can’t shake off a lifetime of cult programming instantly, he clearly looks up to the

It’s all done through ceremonial straws.

It’s not around any more, but when I was in college there was a website for C.A.B.U.M—the Citizens’ Association to Blow Up the Moon. Their motto: “Damn you, Moon!”

Yeah, I'm pretty sure he can take it off when he's alone.

Yeah, but religious indoctrination to a hardcore cult can be a hard thing to shake off. I honestly don’t mind it for that reason, I love the Armorer as a character, partly because of that ideological inflexibility.

it’s also...dumb? didn’t he straight up just take his helmet off to eat? i know he showed grogu later or whatever, but clearly it’s okay to take the helmet off here and there.

A joke, it was.

I’ve heard it’s just an hourlong preview for Obi-Wan and at the end a title card appears that says “Through the clue provided by the Hutts, the Republic rapidly figured out the Pykes’ whole plan and arrested all criminals, successfully preventing war on Tatooine.

I hope next week’s episode of Boba Fett is actually just a new episode of Fringe.

Well, technically a muppet republic, due to Frank Oz’s involvement.

If it takes 1000 episodes of anime to explain that it’s not cockfighting, then it’s cockfighting.

That is the best quote I have ever heard.

Doctor Aphra. It’s gotta be Doctor Aphra.

according to the recent updates to the dictionary, the figurative definition of literally is also literally the correct use of literally.

Clearly Lawrence doesn’t know what he’s talking about. There’s nothing hardcore Transformers fans love more than drama. That’s why Starscream is so popular. Well, one of the reasons.