
Could it be possible that Joe Rogan is a secret descendant of the House of Bourbon? Because that sounds like the kind of conspiracy theory his fanbase would believe.

You know, when I read that it was made in 2014, I thought, “Ah. The Before Times.”

Now playing

Still hoping this madness will emerge some day, despite being on the shelf for nearly a decade....

Or Torontonor, but then you have keep airbrushing out the Tower of See-En in the background.

Yeah, The Mandalorian already basically traded in Fett’s cultural cache, leaving Book of Boba Fett without the ability to build a show around an armored, amoral, mostly quiet bounty hunter. So now we’ve got a fairly chatty Fett who’s largely unhelmeted and who decided he wants to be the employer. Which is fine, but

I remember liking Jurgens once upon a time, but this art is just... bad.  The perspective is terrible.  Are all the heroes lying down on their backs?

I was hoping for a sexy, teen-drama reimagining of the Elves: Rivendale.

8 Simple Rules for dating my teenage Galadriel

Melkor in the Middle

Oh man, I had my money on How I Met Your Morgoth.

Fuck G/O Media.

Oh I wouldn’t be even 1% surprised if we eventually hear about Sorkin doing some serious shit, potentially even worse. I’ll bet Joss has heard stories about Sorkin and Matthew Weiner and thought “ah well, I feel better.”

spoken like a man who’s never had one ounce of sex.

So to sum up:

I’m hoping it won’t do what Falcon and the Winter Soldier did, which is largely suck.

And apparently the on-set catering for ‘When Harry Met Sally’ was just abysmal.

“She’s on a diplomatic mission to America. She was invited to speak there by one of their cultural luminaries, a Mr Joe Rogan.”

I also love the unmentioned detail that Brian Cox is famously socialist/anticapitalist.

You joke, but yeah...a shocking amount of stuff in those very panels are in the game to one degree or another.

I don’t know who wrote it, but Eidos clearly did their homework, extracurriculars, summer school, and SAT prep. They clearly adore these characters, and it shows in every single frame.

With the change in Peter’s father, I hope you can press X to J’son.