
Wait until you hear who’s voicing Baby Yoda’s first words.

It’s hard to picture how Aladdin might work if it didn’t have Robin Williams in full meta-frenzy, throwing air quotes over everything. I think it might be a better film, though.”

On the one hand, if you don’t like any of Robin Williams’s stand-up I don’t really know what to tell you, but on the other, Hook is absolutely the worst movie I ever tried to like in an effort to get a girl to think I was good enough for her, so in conclusion this piece is a land of contrasts.

His stage name wasn’t Eddie Creative Commons...

Yikes. You’ve gotten worse over the years

This article seems to be more appreciative of what Cursed ‘represents’ rather than its actual quality as a show. After watching 2 episodes, I’d personally be embarrassed to recommend it to people. I mean... It’s pretty bad. There’s better YA out there, better fantasy out there, and better female-led shows at there.

Act I:

Oh yeah, but McQueen is the protagonist of the first movie, which is about him learning to be a nicer person and a better athlete.

By far the worst part of the is trying to explain to a toddler what a corporate sponsorship is.

Yeah, this is where I remind people that, as someone on the high-functioning end of the autism spectrum and depression, we need to stop putting racism in the “mentally-ill” bag. Nobody’s objecting to mental illness here. They’re objecting to Ms. Cooper’s racism. And while there can be overlap between racist beliefs

I hope there was an episode where he went to the tailor for a new emergency dressing gown and said, “Make it! Sew!”.

*gesticulates wildly at terrible reviews*

Cats and now this? Does Dame Judi Dench have a secret gambling addiction that needs funding?

Don’t quit your Dean job.

I got a Community notification for this!

“Hey, it’s not gonna suck itself off.

It makes so much sense for Assassin’s Creed’s lore that I can’t believe they haven’t done it yet.

What, you never noticed how Zimmer suddenly became much more active after Tupac was "killed"?

Did he Dark Side Force his shits away too?