
And just like that, Laura Dern has a second career as an action choreographer.

The price fits the demographic. If you’re dumb enough to serve as a human prop in Jeff Bezos’s reputation laundering stunts, you’re probably dumb enough to pay $28m for the ‘privilege’.

Add at least three instances of someone saying “Well, that happened”, and we’ll talk.

Hey, don’t sell American audiences short, pal. They’re plenty capable of encouraging dumbing-down all on their own.

Nowadays, every creator’s gotta go to interviews and press junkets where they trawl back over their storytelling decisions in a way that ultimately diminishes them. What happened to Gary Cooper? The strong, silent type.

Zhao may be an MCU fan, but based on her previous work isn’t she basically a broccoli salesperson who’s been hired to shill Big Macs? No shade on either food group, but I’m not sure the sales skills are entirely transferable.

Di-sis on Infinite Windsors.

I never thought I’d miss the overpaid studio execs who used to design movies by committee. Then the algorithms came.

By now, what the Diana Cinematic Universe really needs is a multiversal team-up movie with Stewart, Elizabeth Debicki and Naomi Watts.

“...and the villain was going to be this bald douchebag named Dirk Petrol. He’s out for revenge after an explosion in a Jolly Ranchers factory showered him with shrapnel and left him a literal candy-ass.”

Yeah, the Discworld books had a really humane, inquisitive, tolerant perspective that took on all kinds of issues. Small Gods was always my favourite, but Hogfather was a regular seasonal read for me for a good few years. Maybe it’s time to dig out a copy again.

Seconded. It’s comparing apples and oranges, of course, but I think loving the Discworld books definitely made me resistant to Potter hype at the time. For example, I remember getting really steamed at all the praise for Rowling’s ‘clever’ use of cod-Latin when Terry Pratchett had done that (and so much more) first

The legal precedent for big cat franchise sequels was pretty clear, unfortunately. Nobody could stop the release of Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride back in 1998 despite it clearly being a terrible idea.

Artist’s impression of a fan receiving their “exclusive, one-of-a-kind content”. a botched raid on their outback meth lab. Read Wookieepedia, people.

At last, Disney is returning Star Wars to what made it great: meetings.

“How can we trust you, bounty hunter?”

“If you’ll turn to item 37 on the agenda, you will see that I intend to foster an open-door policy where all input is taken on board.”


If they wanted to deliberately tank the Star Wars deal in favour of Netflix, here’s how that pitch meeting probably went.

If SNL are this bad at background checks, I predict a career renaissance for that exciting, fresh-faced new talent Michael Richards.

It’s somehow comforting to know that Hollywood is still capable of producing glossy, empty-headed Oscarbait like this even after the fall of Harvey Weinstein. Keep on trucking, you crazy old dream factory!