
I simply camembert the prospect of another pun thread.

Feminist literature is notorious for its tiny print, designed as it is for dainty female eyes. Also, smoke damage from being around too many burning bras.

While I appreciate the short story, greatest-hits format, I think it maybe fails to reflect modern tastes. Today’s reader of Batman stories is looking for something longer, something a bit darker and meatier.

Doctor Who is still proudly carrying that wildly inconsistent sci-fi baton.

Neil Armstrong was a corn-fed American hero, and his poop will very visibly reflect that.

Quite apart from the scientific value, this just seems like a matter of politeness. Humanity scoops it up when our dogs poop in the park, but we let our astronauts just shit all over the pristine, unspoiled Moon?

Fun behind-the-scenes fact: Jon’s story arc of going from acclaimed new leader to being brutally knifed to death by his followers is based on every British Conservative party leader in history.

I’ve just come from watching my sixth (and final) episode, and I feel like people stumbling onto this show late in the day need to be warned:

Of all the references and parallels to real kings in the show, I think my favourite is Tywin doing an Elvis and dying ignominiously on the toilet. ♪ Castamere rain keeps pouring down... ♪ 

“...and then I shot that gross girl before she could get her cooties on Jon. Right, Jon? Jon?”

I was going to ask about the music - the soundtrack was what really stuck with me from the movie. Maybe in keeping with the spirit of the whole thing, they have a session band do kazoo covers of the original tracks.

Best guess, he’s praying for them to be miraculously transformed into wine.

I think I found the Cars reference: if you look in the back right-hand corner of the lawn at 0:47, you can see a dog turd.

At the same time, it’s good to see that the Star Child from 2001: A Space Odyssey is still getting work.

Furthering the irresponsible Holocaust comparisons, I see they’ve made the interesting choice to replicate the Magneto-in-Auschwitz scene from X-Men.

Yeah, you can really tell the episodes where Robert Mueller was a script consultant.

He may have been a lover, a fighter and a raconteur, but Oberyn’s fatal flaw was that he clearly hadn’t watched enough horror movies.

I think it’s all there in the concerned, if-you’re-too-hard-on-the-boy-he’ll-run-off-and-mack-on-his-secret-sibling look that Aunt Beru shoots at Owen.

Her critical neglect in that show was certainly suggestive of something.