
Just to co-sign this, Beckinsale is really funny in Love and Friendship playing a scandalous Jane Austen antiheroine.

I think her performance in Penny Dreadful deserves a shout-out here too. As the reviews here used to note, she chewed so much scenery that it often became essentially The Eva Green Show, with a bunch of frock-coated dudes standing in the margins saying the Victorian equivalent of “Whoa...”

It’s years since I read it, but I remember being annoyed by how three-quarters of the way through, the characters find someone who basically infodumps the whole scifi concept of the book for them. It felt like Ishiguro was being slightly dismissive of the genre he was working in by neglecting to find a more graceful

Some day the world will appreciate my SFX-free edit of Star Wars into a two-minute family drama about a boy having a tense meal with his uncle.

Don't mess with Big Fart, eh. Before you've even smelt it, it's dealt with you.

Having closely read over both the original meme and the copied content, the judge will sentence all parties to get off his lawn and find proper jobs.

Even on the Nazis-as-supernatural-villains thing, I remember reading that during the filming of Schindler’s List Steven Spielberg said he regretted using them like that in the Indiana Jones films. There’s definitely an argument to be had about how WW2 is used and abused in pop culture, especially as it passes out of

It’s that kind of demonic image of the Germans that was also whipped up by Allied propaganda and helped to ensure that the Treaty of Versailles was so punitive. Maybe we should just be grateful the screenwriters didn’t go with Kaiser Kong as their villain.

It’s funny the different reactions that over-the-top scene in Wonder Woman can provoke. For me, the appropriation of that First World War trope for a superhero Crowning Moment of Awesome just made my brain start screaming ‘WRONG WRONG WRONG’.

AOC can defend it all she likes, but I’m a small business owner, and her Green New Deal has already made it more difficult to sell my cow fart-flavoured ice cream.

I think I spotted the inciting incident for the film’s plot. If you look closely at around 0:21, you can distinctly see Hearst tipping his fucking hat.

He? Man...

Years from now, some zealous fan will edit the last seasons of Game of Thrones to match whatever book version GRRM eventually produces. I hope they’ve already started collecting B-roll footage of medieval feasts.

Daenerys Targaryen is in Qarth amid a whole storyline that feels inconsequential now

Looks fun, but as consumers we have a right to ask: are these things appreciably stranger than the things in the previous seasons? And if not, can we claim a refund?

In the absence of a definitive below-the-waist perspective, I’m sticking with my fan theory that this shadow ‘baby’ was really a sentient, murderous fart. What else could be so silent but deadly? What else could get Brienne making this face?

In the book her hair gets burned off too, but I can respect the showrunners’ decision to invoke a variant of the Incredible Hulk Pants Rule.

After Relevance.

In the end of the original, Edward and Vivian don’t wind up together. He drops her back on Hollywood Boulevard and literally tosses her money into the gutter. ... It was director Garry Marshall who saw within that script a lighter version of the story

Hey now, the Last Jedi haters don’t have a problem with women. It’s just that Rian Johnson introduced unprecedented plot holes and logical inconsistencies into their space fantasy about laser wizards.