
Trump has never gotten over his failed audition for the John Canada Terrell role in She’s Gotta Have It.

Careful what you wish for, Dr Bob. We could have ended up getting a comics-faithful version of Banshee in X-Men First Class.

his attorney Steve Greenberg remained depressingly on-brand in regards to the accusations of sexual coercion and force against his client: “I think all the women are lying,” he stated confidently.

Maybe one day we’ll get a movie like that: a pure Dazed And Confused-style hangout movie, one that doesn’t need a supervillain or an exploding city or maybe even a plot

That Saru header image is amazing. Please tell me it’s taken from a wistful musical number about wandering in the garden on a golden afternoon.

BREAKING: Internet Still Contains Hateful Morons, As It Has Since Tim Berners-Lee’s Racist Lab Assistant Posted A Crudely-Formatted Rant About Boys N the Hood On the Infant Platform Three Days After Its Launch In 1991. More on this as it develops.

you wouldnt believe it but i earned $7532 last month wokring from home just pretending to hate dc movies and care about democracy. thanks marvel and george soros lol! for more info its super easy just look in the drudge reprot comments section

I can’t believe you mentioned factors like an easygoing public profile, comfort behind a podium with a huge audience, and inherent likeability, but failed to mention the obvious choice. Sean Spicer is sitting by the phone, people.

No, see, it’s just like the case of Kafka: he asked his executor to burn the manuscripts of The Trial and The Castle before his death, so we’ve all collectively agreed as a culture to pretend that they were never published.

Yeah, and Mark Hamill himself said he didn’t agree with the character arc. Stop ruining our childhood heroes! #notmyluke

Is it still possible to play Finch like Gregory Peck did after the other side of him we saw in Go Set A Watchman? Maybe Sorkin’s version could get a soliloquy where he reveals that he doesn’t really care for black people, but a job’s a job.

I know it’s 2019 and we’re all wound pretty tight, but really - nobody should be made to feel under a moral obligation to like certain music just because some assholes dislike it.

[Slow zoom in on The Holy Hand Grenade looking thoughtful about lazy soundtracks, as ELO’s ‘Mr Blue Sky’ plays.]

And Max’s spirit lives on today in those insufferable YouTube commenters who appear under every song released before 2005 to write “im only 16 but i love this music why does my generation suck so bad”.

And the thoughtful arrangement of the deckchairs was no doubt a great comfort to the drowning steerage passengers on the Titanic.

And it’s not only his actual head that’s controversial. There’s been a great long-running story recently about a Labour MP staging a guerrilla campaign protesting against the presence of a bust of Cromwell in the House of Commons by turning it to face the wall every day. Officials even installed a tamper alarm,

I think it’s the Discovery Channel just reminding us of what they do for money, and potentially of where they get their kicks.

“Something about this attack just doesn’t add up. It doesn’t have the witty soupçon of understated irony that I associate with Trump rallies.”

Malingo, I think you may only be seeing what your eyes want to see.